The Blessed Hope

Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13)

In the previous verse, Paul told Titus what grace teaches: that we should deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and that we should live righteous lives. Titus 2:13 carries on the same thought, adding to what grace teaches us.

blessed hope

Said plainly, grace teaches us to look for the second coming of Jesus Christ. In continuing the thought of what grace teaches, Paul wrote that we should be looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

In other words, grace teaches us to expect and prepare for our blessed hope. That hope is not heaven or glory, but Jesus Himself, face to face, closer than ever.

Yet we don’t just wait for the coming of Jesus; we live in active expectation of the return of Jesus. We are looking for it. The return of Jesus Christ should be precious for Christians to consider.

Jesus came the first time to save the soul of man; He will come a second time to resurrect the body.

Jesus came the first time to save the individual; He will come a second time to save society.

Jesus came the first time to a crucifixion; He will come a second time to a coronation.

Jesus came the first time to a cross; He will come a second time to a throne.

Jesus came the first time in humility; He will come a second time in glory.

Jesus came the first time and stood before Pilate; He will come a second time and Pilate will stand before Him.

Jesus came the first time and was judged by men; He will come a second time to judge all men.

Finally, notice whom Paul says will return: our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. From time to time, some people try to say that Paul and other early Christians didn’t really believe Jesus was God. This shows that not only did Paul know Jesus was God, but that He was and is the great God and Savior.

That same Jesus came once – and He will return just as He promised. Let grace teach you to keep looking for His return and be ready for that great day.

Click here for David’s commentary on Titus 2

2 replies
  1. Joanne Sablan-Cohen
    Joanne Sablan-Cohen says:

    I believe that Jesus is God Incarnate and presides in the believers: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God’s wisdom is His daily delight always rejoicing before Him. His wise design of the universe speaks for itself and man dwells in it to adore Him with praise and honor. Jesus has always been with the Father and the Holy Spirit before the establishment of the Universe. Only a fool would say,’There is no God.’ All of creation speaks with visual and tactile languages.
    I believe that Sovereign God, Jesus arrives in just the right time because He defines and is in control of every Event of History.
    I speak it LOUD! Jesus is coming Soon! Prepare your hearts and minds for Jesus Arrival when you least expect it.

  2. Taine Lamour
    Taine Lamour says:

    Dr. Cuzig

    Good morning! God bless you.

    I am a retired SDA Church minister. Tell me, please, What to think about the Berean teaching concerning Christ Second Coming?

    Has our Lord really come in 70 a d? Is it true their teaching about the resurrection of the desde?

    Thanks so much!


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