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Inga-Lill’s Dental Missions!

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Many years ago, God called Inga-Lill Guzik to dental missions. She and her team go to places all around the world, reaching out to people who do not have access to dental care.

Along with the love of Jesus, this care is brought to places where the need is great.

David and Inga Lill Guzik

Dental Mission Team

Inga-Lill, a trained surgical dental assistant, never really sought or pursued going into developing countries with a dental ministry. But after a crucial experience during a missions trip to Mexico in 1996, God confirmed that He wanted to use her more in that way.

“It is not me doing it. It is God using me, working through me, to do something that was so needed for people in places where they could not afford any kind of dental care.”

Since then, Inga-Lill has been to almost 20 countries, taking teams of dental professionals, but also untrained people, to whom she will provide the necessary training.

“The dental treatment is the vehicle to demonstrate God’s love to the people, who He cares about so much.”

Bible Study videos from Inga-Lill Guzik:

Enduring Word Dental Mission

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