The following usage and distribution guidelines govern the sharing and redistributing of content found on Enduring Word’s websites, mobile application, and YouTube channel.
Sharing Content for Free Bible Studies and Teaching
Enduring Word exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the free publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching work of David Guzik and likeminded people.
Users have permission to present and share content and links found on Enduring Word’s websites for the purpose of providing free Bible studies and teaching. In doing so, please provide appropriate sources and references, as stated in the sections below.
Sharing Content for Profit-Related Activities
Users may request permission to cite and provide excerpts found on Enduring Word’s website and mobile applications for use in profit-related activities, such as the publication of books, media, and other resources. Users must request permission to use Enduring Word’s resources. Such permission must be granted by Enduring Word. Here is a link to our Permission Request Form.
Crediting Guidelines
Guidelines for Sharing Content
The following guidelines represent the requirements needed to share content from Enduring Word. Here is a link to our Permission Request Form.
- Users may not alter the content in any way.
- Users may not charge any fees or other remuneration when sharing or redistributing content. If a fee is charged, special permission must be granted.
- Users must give appropriate attribution. If content from Enduring Word is shared in written form, users must use the following statement: ©1996-present The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik –
If content from Enduring Word is shared verbally (e.g. in a teaching or preaching message), users must refer to the “Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik”.
Content Sharing Guidelines
Linking Web Pages
No permission is needed to link to resources found on our websites.
Crediting Enduring Word
No permission is needed to credit Enduring Word as the source of something you use. However, we ask that Enduring Word is given appropriate credit.
Sharing Video Content
In order to download and share video content, contact Enduring Word for permission to download and redistribute. Enduring Word’s preference is that users link to Enduring Word’s video content, which does not require permission. Here is a link to our Permission Request Form.