God’s Grateful Servants
So they said, “You have saved our lives; let us find favor in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh’s servants.” (Genesis 47:25)
Because God moved through the wisdom and bold action of Joseph, the Pharaoh of Egypt had lots of grain through seven years of terrible famine. In first few years, people sold everything they had to buy this grain. Before the famine was over, they sold their land and agreed to heavy taxation in the future to get the grain they needed to survive (Genesis 47:23-24).
In those days, one-fifth – that is, 20% – was considered heavy taxation. In fact, the hungry people who agreed to 20% taxes thought that rate of taxation made them servants or slaves of Pharoah. Many people in the western world today would be thrilled to be taxed “only” 20%. According to some sources, an average person in the USA can expect to pay more than 33% of their income in taxes over their lifetime, and most tax rates in Europe are significantly higher.
Still, in the days of Joseph and ancient Egypt, the people thought it was a good deal to pay 20% taxes for the rest of their lives. Why did they think it was a good deal? Because they recognized that Pharaoh and his grain had saved their lives.
Why were they willing to become servants to Pharaoh? Because he was, humanly speaking, their savior. He and his grain saved them, preserved their lives. If it wasn’t for the grain that Joseph wisely stockpiled because of the divine interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream, the streets of Egypt would have been filled with the withered bodies of the starving and dead. There was no other food to be found in the time of famine. Receiving Pharoah’s grain was the only way to live. Having received Pharaoh’s food, gratitude brought them to humbly serve the one who saved their lives.
Dear believing brother or sister, do you see the analogy to your relationship with God?
By His sacrificial death and victorious resurrection, Jesus Christ has rescued all those who put their trust in Him. Without Jesus they were lost and destined for eternal separation from God. There is no other way to come in right relationship with God: For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).
Considering all that Jesus has done for us, it makes sense that we would gratefully serve Him.
The people made this arrangement with Joseph hoping to find favor in the sight of Joseph and Pharaoh. This points to a wonderful truth for all those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ. He not only saves our life (You have saved our lives), but He also gives us His favor.
In the riches of God’s grace, He does more than rescue the believer. In Jesus, God then lifts the believer up to a place of favor and blessing.
No wonder we are God’s grateful servants!
Do you have a Bible Study Book on Holy Spirit. The ladies in our church are very much interested in a doctrinally sound study of Holy Spirit.
Hi Cyndi!
We do not have a bible study book on the Holy Spirit, but please check out our YouTube channel, and David’s messages on this website.
He gave several messages on the Holy Spirit, that might be helpful for you.
I love your commentaries they have helped me understand scripture so much better
Thank you so much, William