Genesis 6 – The Wickedness of Man and The Call of Noah

Part 11 in Pastor David Guzik’s in-depth look at the book of Genesis, covering the sinful degeneration of mankind and God’s need to destroy the earth with a flood, sparing only a just man named Noah and his family.

1 reply
  1. Terrea
    Terrea says:

    Good commentary. A few notes. Satan hates humankind because God loves us. Satan wanted to adulterate God’s perfect creation, Adam’s seed (humankind). I believe the “sons of God” were Fallen Angels (not demons as David surmises). Genesis 6 and 1 Enoch 22:26. God could not forgive them for their many abominations. 1 Enoch 12-16. 2 Peter 2:4-6 Jude 1:6 Angels can appear as humans. There are many instances in the Bible of this. Gen 18:1-5; 19:1-5 etc. The offspring of human women and Fallen Angels created giants called “Nephalim”- part human, part spirit. Their bones have been discovered by archeologists. They began to oppress the people in the days of Noah. In the Book of 1 Enoch and Jubilees, as well as many other ancient manuscripts, the conclusion is drawn that during the flood, the Nephalim giants drowned and were killed, however the “disembodied” spirits were called “evil or unclean spirits”, or demons ( 1 Enoch 15:8). These demons still roam the earth today. The Bible tells us that this is why they search to “inhabit” a body, whether human, pig or any creature. (Mt 8:28-34; 12:43-45; Luke 8:26-29; 11:24-25; Mk 5:1-20; 9:25) God will eventually give them eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire or Gehenna. Rev 20:11-15.


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