Four Stages of Spiritual Growth
Then Israel said to Joseph, “Behold, I am dying, but God will be with you and bring you back to the land of your fathers.” (Genesis 48:21)
When Israel (Jacob) told Joseph, Behold, I am dying, he understood a transition was underway. The torch Israel held for so long was now given to Joseph and his brothers. Israel was the last of the three great patriarchs to walk the earth, but God’s work would continue.
Charles Spurgeon, the great preacher of Victorian England, understood this principle. “If Abraham dies, there is Isaac; and if Isaac dies, there is Jacob; and if Jacob dies, there is Joseph; and if Joseph dies, Ephraim and Manasseh survive. The Lord shall never lack a champion to bear his standard high among the sons of men…. God will keep up the apostolic succession, never fear of that. When Stephen is dying, Paul is not far off. When Elijah is taken up, he leaves his mantle behind him.”
It’s true. Sometimes when we see great men and women of God die, we despair. Who will carry on God’s work? The answer is simple: God will carry on His work. He will choose, call, and train His servants as it pleases Him.
Israel gave Joseph hope for the future, planted in a valuable promise: God will be with you and bring you back to the land of your fathers. If the patriarchs no longer walked the earth, God would still be with His people. God would also keep His promise to give the land of Canaan (the land of your fathers) to the descendants of Israel.
Israel’s declaration, God will be with you and bring you completes a collection of phrases connected to his life that illustrate the believer in various stages of spiritual maturity.
The phrase, I am with you (Genesis 28:15) was God’s promise to be with young Jacob (Israel) in the present moment, the “right now.” This shows that God gives the young believer every possible assurance of His presence and grace.
The phrase, I will be with you (Genesis 31:3) was God’s promise to Jacob of His future faithfulness, to be seen in coming days. This shows that God expects the growing believer to trust He will be near, even when he only has the promise of His presence.
The phrase, God…has been with me from Genesis 31:5 was Jacob’s wonderful testimony that God had fulfilled the promises of His presence. This is something a mature believer will declare. The mature believer can tell others how God has been with him, even in difficult and testing times.
Finally, the phrase here in Genesis 48:21, God will be with you shows that God gives the mature believer the opportunity to encourage others with the promise of God’s presence. It was as if Israel could say, “Joseph, God has never forsaken me. God has been with me, and I can confidently say He will be with you.”
Which of these four stages best describes your spiritual condition?
This was so timely and so encouraging!!!
My family has been praying about some land that has been in our family for generations it had been given away through a death. This is a promise God has given me this morning!!
Praise God!