We’re So Grateful for Your Support of Enduring Word

Please send checks payable to Enduring Word to:

Enduring Word
5662 Calle Real #184
Goleta, CA 93117

If you would like your gift to go to our current matching funds campaign, please write “matching” on your check or on a note with your gift.

If you would prefer to give online, please click here.

Enduring Word exists to promote Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching of David Guzik and likeminded people.

It takes a lot to keep these resources free to a global audience, and to continually translate them into more and more languages. Your partnership in our service is truly appreciated and we believe it is appropriate for those who are taught God’s word to share in all good things with him who teaches (Galatians 6:6). We also truly believe that those who support Enduring Word share in the spiritual reward of this fruitful service (Philippians 4:17).

We value the importance of financial accountability, transparency, and excellence in stewardship. Because of this, we offer our donors the following commitments:

  • To provide annual financial statements upon written request
  • To provide donor receipts in accordance with the regulations of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service
  • To never sell, rent, or trade any of our contact information, including email or mailing address lists

If you would like any information or have questions about making a gift to Enduring Word, please contact David Guzik at david@enduringword.dev

Enduring Word is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization in the USA.
All gifts in the USA are tax deductible for income tax purposes.
EIN: 46-5454096