Dental Mission FAQs

It’s so great to know you are interested in our Dental Mission, and that God has put this on your heart!

This is how I got started years ago, and since then I have seen God do amazing things through every single mission across many countries worldwide.
Through prayer I hope you consider joining me to serve those in greatest need, in places where there are few to no dentists.



Contact Inga-Lill by filling out the contact from below.

She will extend the invitation approximately 6 months before a trip and allow a few weeks’ time to pray about whether it’s the right trip for you. Once the trip is filled, she will let you know.

A team consists of 3-10 people depending on where we go and for how long.

Lord willing, Inga-Lill always goes twice a year (sometimes more), usually at the beginning of the year and in the fall.

A current passport with at least 5 pages blank, not expiring within 6 months of travel.

We go to places where our bodies might bot be used to the water and foods and certain germs. In addition to that we are working in the mouth, and sometimes come in contact with blood. That’s why we want to take some safety precautions before going:

Essential vaccinations that should be up to date (certain trips do not require all):

Yellow fever, tetanus, Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid

During the covid crisis it was helpful to have the covid vaccine and one booster, but that could change.

Usually, we are not in high-risk areas for malaria, but that does not mean it couldn’t happen. So, ask your doctor what they recommend for you. Inga-Lill customarily takes doxycycline before, during, and sometimes after a trip, as a precaution to eliminate the effects of unwelcomed bugs.
Doxycycline is one of the commonly used antibiotics for malaria.

We go places, where are trusted and established missionaries, local churches or orphanages we can work with. Usually there is already a personal contact made by David or Inga-Lill, who have met people along the way. As guests in their country and as an extension of their work in their community, we are very careful to be a blessing in all that we do as a team and not to impose our own agenda.

Yes, with reservations. Inga-Lill would first inquire about the church’s/organization’s work, consider your recommendation, and pray about it. Then she would make contact to work out the details as needed. It is important that a new mission will be safe and feasible. Email us to inquire:

Everyone pays their own way and is free to raise money for the missions trip in whatever way they want, whether it is through their church, friends and family, and local businesses.

Everyone arranges their own flights and means of travels, and arrives on a certain established day.

The price of the mission itself covers all food, lodging, transportation, and some supplies.

Everyone is asked to bring certain things, like gloves, masks, and toothbrushes.

Some other items, that are yours to keep, are necessary: a headlamp, scrubs, and a filtering water bottle.

The cost of each mission varies from $400-1500 (not including airfare), and includes all transportation on location, food, lodging, tips, and local services. All unused funds will be returned to each team member. There is no way to earn money on these trips, and every team member pays exclusively for their own costs. Nobody can expect other team mates to cover for their expenses.

Following a down-payment to secure your spot, you will be asked to make monthly payments for the remainder of the costs, or to or pay it in full. You will be fully refunded if you can’t join the mission, unless flights are non-refundable and have already been purchased (thankfully that has happened only once so far).

Every effort will be made to provide the safest and most economical avenues for the team.

There are a lot of supplies necessary for a dental missions which need to be purchased ahead of time. Those supplies will mostly be used up during the mission. If there are supplies left over, they will be donated to a local dentist in that country.

Sometimes we offer scholarships to a person who does not have the necessary means to join a trip.

Finally, we would like to occasionally compensate local volunteers who translate, clean up after our daily work, or help organize patient flow during clinic days. This amount is modest, but always appreciated.

We do what we can and have supplies for.

Fillings(Fuji), Scaling, Fluoride treatment, Silver Diamine treatments, Extractions w local anesthesia, D.Hygiene instructions.

We would like to offer front tooth replacement flippers soon.

Everything is performed without the help of electricity, we can’t count on that in underdeveloped countries.

We basically perform one treatment on each person, sometimes more. Usually, after some triage and consulting, we do what is most urgent and needed for their wellbeing.

We pray with the patient before and after each treatment.

No, but if you have certificates, please bring a regular photo copy.

I believe anyone who is willing to learn can be trained to perform treatments. Trust that God simply needs your faith, fearlessness and hands to work through.

In preparation to the trip I will provide YouTube videos and will also do on the spot training on location.

I have trained many non-dental people that are doing phenomenally on these trips. Nontheless, I truly love having dentally trained people along who are familiar with the procedures, since they are ahead of the learning curve.

More often the clinics we set up aim to utilize the locals for out of mouth tasks like cooking, cleaning instruments, or to be a ‘do anything person’. But we are always looking for people who will commit to praying for us on a daily basis, to be our prayer support team.

On most trips we schedule local sightseeing.

Most clinic days are from 8-5 with time for lunch. We have daily devotions as a team in the mornings and debrief in the evenings.

If you want to do excursions before or after the dates of the mission, which I do encourage, all of the planning and execution of your personal excursions is entirely on your own. (booking, lodging, transportation etc.) Please be mindful of the dates of the mission from start to finish, and avoid going on personal excursions during that time.

Dietary restrictions are extremely hard to accommodate on these trips. It works best if you can manage to take care of your own food needs without imposing on our hosts.

There is of course much more to know than this, but I hope this helps get you as you start praying over joining a dental missions trip, or supporting one.

Once the decision is made for you to join, I will – via email and a few zoom meetings – provide you with all the information you need  for the trip, and at the time you will need it.

If you would like to join Inga-Lill on one of her upcoming dental missions trips, please fill out the form below, and we will get in touch with you!

For more information, please write:

If you feel led to support the work of the Global Dental Missions, please click here.