David Guzik’s weekly devotional, based on a verse or two from the Bible.

Girl with a Bible

Something Wonderful from Something Bad

And the Syrians had gone out on raids, and had brought back captive a young girl from the land of Israel. She waited on Naaman’s wife. Then she said to her mistress, “If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy.” (2 Kings 5:2-3)

A young girl grew up in ancient Israel. Her family taught her well. She believed in the God of Israel, and she knew that Elisha was God’s prophet. She also knew that God could use Elisha to heal the incurable.

Girl with a Bible


A young Israeli girl was kidnapped from her family and taken as a slave to Syria. It was, no doubt, the worst day of her life. She was soon made to serve in the household of a Syrian general named Naaman, and she waited on Naaman’s wife. But God was greater than all the girl’s tragedy and misery, and was about to use her in a remarkable way.

Taking the courage to speak, she told Naaman’s wife that God’s prophet did more than speak words; he was God’s messenger. God used the girl’s courage and faith, and it wasn’t the last time God used the faith of a little girl.

In the late 1800’s in Wooster, South Africa, a group of young people in a Reformed Church gatheredon a Pentecost Sunday. In that meeting a black girl asked if she might give her testimony. She gave such a sweet testimony that it brought a hush of the sense of the presence of God over the meeting. The leader of the meeting said that he heard what he described as the sound of an approaching tornado, and he thought he felt the whole prayer hall shaking. Then all the young people sprang to their feet and started praying – and revival came to South Africa, sparked by the prayer of a young girl.

A young girl was an important spark for the amazing Welsh Revival. In February of 1904 at New Quay, there was a morning prayer meeting for young people. The pastor asked for testimonies of spiritual experience. After several insincere responses, a young girl spoke. Florrie Evans just became a Christian a few days before. Florrie rose and spoke with a tremor in her voice, saying, ‘I love Jesus Christ with all my heart.’ This sincere word made a deep impression on the Young People’s Society, sparking something significant. That on-fire youth group, ignited by the young girl’s moving word, in a few months became a revival fire over all Wales, spreading all over the world.

Some people think it’s unlikely that God could use young girls to spark such important works. But God loves to use unlikely people – people like me and you.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 5


But a Leper

Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master, because by him the LORD had given victory to Syria. He was also a mighty man of valor, but a leper. (2 Kings 5:1)

2 Kings 5:1 introduces us to an important, powerful man – a general named Naaman. We read that he was a great and an honorable man, and that God had blessed him with victory for the Syrian army. We also learn that he was a mighty man of valor, just like Gideon (Judges 6:12), Jephthah (Judges 11:1), David (1 Samuel 16:18), Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:28), and several others. In fact, it seems that Naaman was the only Gentile the Bible says was a mighty man of valor.


General Naaman had a lot going for him, but the last three words of 2 Kings 5:1 change his story completely. With his power, status, and influence, Naaman was a great man – but a leper.

Leprosy often began with the loss of sensation in some part of the body. Because of the nerve damage, the muscles started to waste away. The hands and feet became disfigured, and often deteriorated so much that fingers and toes were lost. Over the span of 20 or 30 years a leper might lose hands and feet; it was, as William Barclay wrote, “a kind of terrible progressive death in which a man dies by inches.”

The leprosy described in the Bible was a contagious, debilitating disease that corrupted its victim and makes him essentially dead while alive. Most people thought that lepers were under the special judgment of God, deserving no pity or mercy. For all these reasons, the condition of leprosy is a picture of sin and its effects.

Remember the tragic words about Naaman: but a leper. Those words speak to us today. The effects of leprosy run deep, but by appearance, the leper is “skin-sick.” All humanity is “sin-sick.” Spiritually speaking, we are all lepers until Jesus heals us.

– No matter what we accomplish in life, we still have to deal with sin.
– Our sin-sickness makes us dead while still alive.
– We can’t heal our own sin-sickness.
– Our sin-sickness often follows a slow progression.
– Left to itself, our sin-sickness will grow worse and worse.
– Our sin-sickness will lead to death without what only God can do.

The story of General Naaman has a happy ending. That isn’t true of every sin-sick person. But Jesus knows how to heal both the leper (Matthew 8:1-3) and the sinner. Jesus rescues both the skin-sick and the sin-sick.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 5

Death in the Pot

Death in the Pot

So one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered from it a lapful of wild gourds, and came and sliced them into the pot of stew, though they did not know what they were. Then they served it to the men to eat. Now it happened, as they were eating the stew, that they cried out and said, “Man of God, there is death in the pot!” And they could not eat it. So he said, “Then bring some flour.” And he put it into the pot, and said, “Serve it to the people, that they may eat.” And there was nothing harmful in the pot.(2 Kings 4:39-41)

Like his mentor Elijah, the life of Elisha was filled with miracles. This was one of the more unusual wonders God worked through the prophet.

Death in the Pot

In this case, in a time of famine (2 Kings 4:38), an unnamed man found a wild vine and brought it back to a group of young prophets. They sliced up the vine and threw it into a pot of stew. The vine or gourd was probably something known in that area as a wild cucumber. It can be bitter to the taste and cause severe digestive problems if enough is eaten, sometimes leading to death.

Under God’s guidance, Elisha put some good flour into the pot of stew and something wonderful happened: what was once so bad that it brought death was now made good. We aren’t exactly told, but it seems they enjoyed the rest of the stew.

Let’s take two applications from this. First, we often do what the unnamed young prophet did. We sometimes go out into the world for things we think will help and satisfy us, and instead they bring us death. If you belong to God, you will never again find the same satisfaction or nourishment in the things of the world. You can’t really go back to a life where the most important things are entertainment, or pleasure, or comfort, or fame, or wealth. These things in the “stew” of our life will eventually leave us shouting, “There is death in the pot!

Second, notice what Elisha did. Instead of trying to get all the poisonous stuff out of the stew, instead he added something good: flour, the stuff you use to make bread. When wholesome food came into the pot, it changed everything.

Surely there is a time to try and remove poisonous doctrines among believers; but more often the proper course is to add as much good spiritual food as possible. Jesus is the bread of life (John 6:35). Put the focus on Jesus and His life-giving Word – and watch how God gets the “death” out of a once-poisoned stew.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 4

Boy Jumping

Receiving New Life

When Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the LORD. (2 Kings 4:32-33)

It’s amazing to see how the ministry of Elisha the prophet was, in many ways, similar to the ministry of his mentor, the prophet Elijah. For example, God used Elijah to bring miraculous provision to an unlikely woman and her son, and then God used Elijah to raise that son from the dead. A similar thing happened for the prophet Elisha.

Boy Jumping

The woman who had received the miraculous provision of oil had a son, and tragically her son died. Elisha first sent his servant, but nothing happened. When Elisha himself came, he prayed for the widow’s son. As he prayed, he did something unusual, as if he could transfer his life to the boy. Strictly speaking, the ceremonial law commanded that no one could touch a dead body without becoming unclean. But the boy’s death did not transfer to Elisha; God brought life to the previously-dead boy.

As Elisha prayed to the LORD, he did so with the confidence that God did a similar work through the prophet who was his mentor. When we see God do a work in one situation, it gives us faith to know He could do it again.

When life came to the one who was dead, we see both a similarity and a contrast with the work of Jesus. The contrast is seen in the stretched-out supplication of Elijah and Elisha, comparing it to the authoritative command of Jesus in raising the dead (as in John 11:43). Elijah and Elisha rightly begged God to raise the dead. Jesus commanded the dead to be raised – because Jesus was more than a man.

The similarity is seen in what happened when Elisha (and Elijah before him) came into contact with the dead. Death did not transfer to the prophet; life came to the dead. In the same way when we were dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13), Jesus came and touched our life. Our sin and death did not “infect” Jesus; instead, His life came into us.

The boy given new life wasn’t supposed to continue laying there, motionless, as if he were still dead. He had been given new life; now he was supposed to live it.

What are you doing with the new life Jesus gave you?

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 4

empty vessels

Filling Empty Vessels

Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones.” (2 Kings 4:3-4)

This was the word from the prophet Elisha to a widow who was so poor and in debt that she and her son were about to be sold into slavery for the money they owed.

In the kind of faith that desperation brings, she asked all her neighbors for whatever container she could borrow from them. Gathering the containers together in her home, she took the last small remaining bottle of oil and began to pour it into the assembled vessels. The prophet would not do this for her; she had to step out in faith herself.

empty vessels

I’m sure her heart beat fast as she began to pour. The oil flowed out of the small battle and into one of the borrowed containers, and it kept on flowing. By a miracle, through the promise of God, the laws of physics were temporarily suspended and a small bottle of oil filled many larger containers.

The widow gathered the vessels in faith, and the measure of the miracle was determined by the measure of her faith in gathering. In this case, the only limit was the limit of what she made available to God. When one container was filled she set it aside and went on to the next empty vessel, until they were all filled.

The oil miraculously flowed as long as the vessels were gathered, assembled, and ready. When the people of God are gathered in faith, assembled in order, and ready to receive, they will see God work among them.

One more thing to consider: all those borrowed vessels also had to be emptybefore they could be filled with oil. We can be too full of ourselves, too strong in ourselves, for God to really do His work in. Charles Spurgeon said, “A full Christ is for empty sinners, and for empty sinners only… It is not our emptiness, but our fullness which can hinder the outgoings of free grace.”

God can work miracles through our emptiness – as long as faith is ready to receive His filling. His strength is perfected in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 4

Digging Ditches

And he said, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’” (2 Kings 3:16)

This was an unusual word from God in an unusual situation. The armies of Israel, Judah, and Edom were stuck in the hot desert and dying of thirst. The three kings went to the prophet Elisha and asked for a word from God. This was the start of God’s answer: “Go dig many ditches in the desert.”

That was strange advice to soldiers dying of thirst in the desert. It seemed that all the hot, hard, seemingly useless work of digging in the desert would make the problem worse. But God gave more than this command. God also promised they would conquer their enemy (2 Kings 3:17-19).

It happened just as God said it would. They dug ditches, a flash flood wept across the desert, the water was saved in the ditches, and they were saved from thirst. Then their enemies saw the light reflected off the water and for some reason they thought it was blood of the three armies fighting each other. Thinking the battle was over, the Moabites walked right into the camp of the three kings and the Moabites were destroyed.

The armies of the three kings were delivered from death in the desert. They won a miraculous victory over their enemy. All because they obeyed the strange command to dig ditches in the desert.

Serving God and His people is sometimes a lot like digging ditches.

Like digging ditches, Christian service is often hard work.
Like digging ditches, Christian service must be guided by God’s revelation.
Like digging ditches, Christian service might seem crazy to some people.
Like digging ditches, Christian service is done in faith.
Like digging ditches, Christian service is blessed beyond expectation.
Like digging ditches, Christian service needs God’s miracle to do any good.
Like digging ditches, Christian service often feels like work without reward.

If living for God and serving His people seems as dry and meaningless as digging a ditch, don’t despair. Keep aligned with God’s word, and see what great things God will do.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 3

Power of Music

The Power of Music

And Elisha said, “As the LORD of hosts lives, before whom I stand, surely were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you, nor see you. But now bring me a musician.” Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him. (2 Kings 3:14-15)

Three kings came to the prophet Elisha asking for God’s help and guidance. Their armies were stuck in the dry desert, facing a thirsty death before they ever got to battle. Elisha had no respect for the kings of Israel or Edom, but because of the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, he agreed to seek God for their need.

When Elisha sought God for a prophetic word to speak to the three kings he said, now bring me a musician. It was a remarkable thing to say. When Elisha wanted to become more sensitive to the leading and speaking of the Holy Spirit, he asked for the service of a musician.

Power of Music

We know that Elisha was annoyed when the king of Israel first approached him on this matter (2 Kings 3:13). Perhaps this troubled his mind and spirit, and he needed some calm and God-honoring focus that music has the potential to bring. He sought to spiritually build up himself through “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” (Colossians 3:16).

We don’t know the name of the musician, but when the musician played, the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha and he prophesied, bringing a promise of deliverance to the three kings. As the musician played the instrument, he probably never thought that God would use the notes and melody to bring a great spiritual and military victory. Yet, the musician did what he could do and God used it, and in at least a small way it helped to change history.

Our God is a singing God who loves music (Zephaniah 3:17, Mark 14:26). We are made in God’s image, so we have a natural attraction to music. We can do ourselves much spiritual good by listening to God-honoring music and by worshiping Him in song.

– This speaks of the great spiritual power in music.
– This speaks of the great power of giving our gifts to God.
– This speaks of the great strength of what seem to be small or unexpected things.
– This speaks of the great importance of worshipping God in song.

Make use of this great, wonderful, God-given, and God-blessed spiritual resource.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 3

Washing Hands

A Great Title

But Jehoshaphat said, “Is there no prophet of the LORD here, that we may inquire of the LORD by him?” So one of the servants of the king of Israel answered and said, “Elisha the son of Shaphat ishere, who poured water on the hands of Elijah.” (2 Kings 3:11)

Three kings gathered in war against the Moabites. As the rulers of Israel, Judah, and Edom crossed the barren desert for a surprise attack upon Moab, they became trapped in the desert with no water for their soldiers or their animals.

Two of three kings had no use for Yahweh, the covenant God of Israel. The Moabite and Israelite kings did not honor the LORD. Yet, Jehoshaphat king of Judah gave some honor to the LORD. With death in the desert near, Jehoshaphat suggested to the other kings that they find a prophet of the LORD. He was wise enough to know that they needed help from the true God, the living God, the LORD.

Washing Hands

The answer to Jehoshaphat came from one of the servants of the king of Israel. His answer was something like this: “Yes, there is a prophet of the LORD near here. His name is Elisha the son of Shaphat, and he is the one who poured water on the hands of Elijah.”

I’m fascinated by that phrase: who poured water on the hands of Elijah. The idea is that long before he was recognized as a great and mighty prophet, Elisha served Elijah in simple and humble ways.

I suppose there were times when Elisha literally helped Elijah wash his hands. Perhaps it was time to eat, and Elijah needed to clean his hands. The younger prophet Elisha held the pitcher of water and poured it out over the hands of his mentor. This probably literally happened, but we also understand that this was a phrase used to describe the humble and simple way Elisha served his spiritual father.

In this case, Elisha was not known by the great words he spoke or the mighty deeds God did through him. He was known by his humble service. Zechariah 4:10 asks, “Who has despised the day of small things?” Elisha certainly did not. Before Jesus ever spoke the words, Elisha knew something of the truth that the greatest in God’s kingdom are the servants of all (Mark 9:35).

I have a feeling that when we meet Elisha in heaven, he may introduce himself by saying with a smile, “I’m the one who poured water on the hands of Elijah.” If we will be known for anything, it’s wonderful to be known for our humble, simple service in the name of Jesus.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 3

Where Is God

Where Is God?

Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, “Where is the LORD God of Elijah?” And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over. (2 Kings 2:14)

Elijah was the older prophet, the mentor to Elisha. When Elijah was about to finish his work and leave this earth, the younger prophet asked to continue on the ministry of his mentor. Elijah said that would happen, if Elisha would stick with him until then end.

Where Is God

Elisha did, and when Elijah was carried up to heaven he cried out, “My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!” (2 Kings 2:12) This meant that Elisha understood that the real strength of Israel was not found in its literal chariots and horsemen. The real strength of Israel was found in God, and in the prophets and men who proclaimed God’s word and demonstrated God’s works.

As Elijah was carried to heaven, his mantle (something like a big, long, scarf) fell to the ground. The younger prophet Elisha took the mantle of Elijah and asked a question: Where is the LORD God of Elijah?

Elisha wisely knew that the power in prophetic ministry did not rest in mantles or fiery chariots. It rested in the presence and work of the Living God. If the LORD God of Elijah was also with Elisha, then he would inherit the same power and direction of ministry.

This was a great question to ask. If God expected Elisha to continue on the ministry of Elijah, then He must be present for the junior prophet as He was for the senior prophet. It was as if Elisha could have asked the question more specifically:

Where is the God who kept Elijah faithful when the whole nation turned from God?
Where is the God who mightily answered prayer from Elijah?
Where is the God who provided miraculously for Elijah?
Where is the God who raised the dead through Elijah?
Where is the God who answers prayer by sending fire from heaven?
Where is the God who encouraged the discouraged prophet?
Where is the God who carried Elijah away into heaven?

The same God who did all that in the life of Elijah was ready to do great works in the life of the prophet who came after Elijah. Some of those great works would be similar to what God did through Elijah, and some would be different.

The same God is ready and willing to work in your life.

Click here for David’s commentary on 2 Kings 2