David Guzik’s weekly devotional, based on a verse or two from the Bible.

It Had to Happen

It Had to Happen

Whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it. (Acts 2:24)

When Peter preached his fantastic sermon on Pentecost, Peter boldly confronted his hearers with their sin. Peter did not flinch at telling them, “you crucified this Man who was sent by God” (the idea of Acts 2:23). Peter could do this because his first concern was not to please his audience, but to tell them the truth. But Peter couldn’t stop there, as if his only point was to make them feel bad about their sin. Peter had to show them that there was a fact that was even greater than man’s guilt in executing the Son of God.

It Had to Happen

The greater fact was the power of God and the greatness of Jesus, both demonstrated by the resurrection. It was not possible for Jesus to remain bound by the power of death, as explained by Peter’s following quotation from Psalm 16. It was not possible for Jesus to remain a victim of the sin and hatred of man. Jesus simply had to come out ahead, glorious in triumph over sin, death, and hatred. To demonstrate this, notice that Peter used the phrase pains of death. The word pains is actually the word for “birth pains.” The idea is that the tomb was like a womb for Jesus! As one commentator wrote, “It was not possible that the chosen one of God should remain in the grip of death; the abyss can no more hold the Redeemer than a pregnant woman can hold the child in her body.”

Just as a baby must come out of the womb, the resurrection of Jesus simply had to happen. There was no way the Holy One – the sinless Son of God – could remain bound by the chains of death.

When Jesus died on the cross, He bore the full wrath of God as if He were a guilty sinner, guilty of all our sin, even being made sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). Yet even that was an act of holy, giving love for us. Therefore, Jesus Himself did not become a sinner, even though He bore the full guilt of our sin. This is the good news – that Jesus took our punishment for sin on the cross and remained a perfect Savior through the whole ordeal – all proved by His resurrection.

For this reason, He remained the Holy One, even in His death; and it was not possible that God’s Holy One could remain bound by death – the resurrection was absolutely inevitable. We don’t see many things in life that simply must happen. In almost all things we can think of another way things could turn out. But it was not this way with the resurrection of Jesus – it had to happen. It was not possible for it to be any other way. And it proves that God’s love and power are greater than the worst of man’s sin and rebellion.

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 2

Peter proclaiming Jesus

Peter Proclaiming Jesus

Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know. (Acts 2:22)

As Peter preached to this large crowd in Jerusalem on Pentecost, he began by explaining the strange sights and sounds were actually evidence of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Peter explained it by quoting the Bible.

Peter proclaiming Jesus

This was remarkable. In the midst of a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, when there were signs and wonders and speaking in tongues, what did Peter do? Essentially, he said, “Let’s have a Bible study and look at the prophet Joel.” In fact, in his Acts 2 sermon, Peter quoted from three different Old Testament passages: Joel 2:28-32, Psalm 16:8-11, and Psalm 110:1.

This focus on God’s word did not quench the move of the Holy Spirit; it fulfilled what the Holy Spirit wanted to do. All the signs and wonders and speaking in tongues were preparing for this work of God’s word.

Unfortunately, some people seem to set the work of God’s Word against the work of the Holy Spirit. They almost think it’s more spiritual if there is no Bible study.

Yet, when Peter finished explaining the Joel 2 passage, he wasn’t finished with his sermon. He said to the crowd, Men of Israel, hear these words. Many people would think it would be enough for Peter to stop after the quotation from Joel, considering all we have in it. Joel told us of:

– An outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17).
– Miraculous dreams, visions, and prophecy (Acts 2:17-18).
– Signs and wonders regarding the Day of the Lord (Acts 2:19-20).
– An invitation to call on the name of the Lord and be saved (Acts 2:21).

As great as all those things are, it wasn’t enough, because Peter had not yet spoken about the saving work of Jesus. Everything until this point had been an introduction, explaining the strange things they just saw. Now Peter would bring the essential message to the crowd saying, Men of Israel, hear these words. Peter had already said something like this at the very start of his sermon (let this be known to you, and heed my words, Acts 2:14). Peter wanted people to pay attention, and he spoke as if he had something important to say – something some preachers fail to do.

After that “second introduction,” Peter spoke some essential words. He proclaimed to them Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst.

Understanding the prophet Joel and the work of the Holy Spirit were both good and important – but it was still essential to proclaim Jesus. We long to know more of God’s word, and to experience more of the move of the Holy Spirit. But we can never neglect the essential proclamation of Jesus Christ – the Savior of the World.

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 2

a changed man

A Changed Man

But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words.” (Acts 2:14)

Acts 2 describes a series of remarkable events. As the 120 disciples of Jesus gathered in an upper room, first there was an unusual sound. Then there were one-of-a-kind little flames of fire that strangely appeared above the heads of everyone in the upper room. Then, they spontaneously began to praise God and declare His marvelous works in languages they had never spoken before. This is called the gift of tongues, and it is spoken about in several other Bible passages.

a changed man

On a day of strange things, the best thing was yet to happen. We come to that starting at verse 14: Peter, standing up with the eleven. What a sight! Peter standing together with the other apostles, ready to speak to the amazed multitude.

When Peter raised his voice, it was the start of an amazing sermon. Standing with the eleven, Peter stood and preached to the crowd as a representative of the whole group of apostles.

We should notice that the speaking in tongues stopped when Peter began to preach. The Holy Spirit now worked through Peter’s preaching and would not work against Himself through the speaking of tongues at the same time.

When Peter raised his voice, it was also evidence of a remarkable change in Peter. Now he displayed a courage and boldness that was a complete contrast to the way that he denied even knowing Jesus when his Savior was arrested. All that was before being filled with the Holy Spirit. Now, Peter was a different man.

On the Day of Pentecost Peter didn’t teach as the rabbis in his day usually did, who gathered disciples around them, sat down, and instructed them and any others who might listen. Instead, Peter proclaimed the truth like a herald.

This remarkable sermon had no preparation behind it – it was spontaneously given. Peter didn’t wake up that morning knowing he would preach to thousands, and that thousands would embrace Jesus in response. At the same time, we could say that this was a well-prepared sermon; it was prepared by Peter’s prior life with God and relationship with Jesus. It flowed spontaneously out of that life, and out of a mind that thought and believed deeply.

It is good to remember that what we have in Acts 2 is a small portion of what Peter actually said. Acts 2:40 tells us this: and with many other words he testified and exhorted them. Like almost all the sermons recorded in the Bible, what we have is a Holy Spirit inspired summary of a longer message.

That message came through a man changed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and it’s not too much to say that what began with Peter’s sermon changed the world. Let the life-changing power of the Spirit have free reign in your life today.

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 2

tongues of fire

Tongues of Fire

Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:3-4a)

As the 120 disciples of Jesus gathered in the upper room, a remarkable thing happened. First, there was an unusual sound, something that sounded like a strong wind, and the sound filled the whole house (Acts 2:2).

Then, after the sound of the wind had started, they saw another remarkable thing: there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. A flame appeared above the head of every disciple. Probably, the description divided tongues, as of fire has the sense that the flames were active and flickering – appearing as if they were burning, but leaving no mark, even as one sat upon each of them.

tongues of fire

This amazing occurrence probably should be connected with John the Baptist’s prophecy that Jesus would baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Matthew 3:11).

Through the Bible, the idea behind the picture of fire is usually purification, as a refiner uses fire to make pure gold; or fire can burn away what is temporary, leaving only what will last. This is an excellent illustration of the principle that the filling of the Holy Spirit is not just for abstract power, but for purity.

In certain places in the Old Testament, God showed His special pleasure with a sacrifice by lighting the fire for it Himself – that is, fire from heaven came down and consumed the sacrifice. The experience of the followers of Jesus on Pentecost is another example of God sending fire from heaven to show His pleasure and power, but this time, it descended upon living sacrifices (Romans 12:1).

The Holy Spirit sat upon each of them. One commentator (A.T. Pierson) said there was a deliberate meaning behind that word sat – that it has the idea of permanence of position and a lasting condition. That idea is important.

Under the Old Covenant, the Holy Spirit rested on God’s people more as a nation, that is, Israel. But under the New Covenant, the Holy Spirit rests upon God’s people as individuals – the tongues of fire sat upon each of them. This strange phenomenon had never happened before and would never happen again in the pages of the Bible, but was given to emphasize this point: that the Spirit of God was present with and in and upon each individual.

Most important of all, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Essentially, the sound of the wind and the tongues, as of fire, were only unusual, temporary phenomenon, which accompanied the true gift – being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Today, we shouldn’t expect to hear the sound of the wind or see a tongue of fire when the Holy Spirit moves among God’s people. But we can and should expect to be filled with the Spirit as we receive in faith and let Him refine and purify us.

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 2

rushing mighty wind

A Rushing Mighty Wind

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:3-4a)

After Jesus ascended to heaven, the disciples met to pray and seek God, waiting for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. God kept His promise, and these words from Acts 2 tell how the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on Pentecost. This outpouring of the Holy Spirit came with some strange things: a strange sound and a strange sight.

rushing mighty wind

Notice the strange sound: suddenly there came a sound from heaven. The association of the sound of a rushing mighty wind, filling the whole house, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit probably has connection with the fact that in both the Hebrew and Greek languages, the word for spirit is the same word for breath or wind. Here, the sound from heaven was the sound of the Holy Spirit being poured out on the disciples.

The sound of this fast, mighty wind would make any of these disciples who knew the Hebrew Scriptures think of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

– In Genesis 1:1-2, it is the Spirit of God as the breath/wind of God, blowing over the waters of the newly created earth.
– In Genesis 2:7, it is the Spirit of God as the breath/wind of God, blowing life into newly created man.
– In Ezekiel 37:9-10, it is the Spirit of God as the breath/wind of God, moving over the dry bones of Israel bringing them life and strength.

This single line tells us much about how the Holy Spirit moves.

Suddenly: Sometimes God moves suddenly.
Sound: It was real, though it could not be touched; it was something real that came through their ears.
From heaven: It wasn’t of earth; it was not created, manipulated, or fashioned here.
Mighty: It was full of force, coming with great power.

Notice that this happened nowhere else in Acts when the Spirit was poured out. Several other times the Holy Spirit powerfully filled the people of God (Acts 4:8, 4:31, 13:9, 13:52, 19:6). Those were wonderful and valid works of the Spirit, yet on none of those other occasions did they hear a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind. The strange sound was for that particular day, but not of lasting importance.

Sometimes, God does “one-offs” – a special something for a single occasion. Can you imagine if, on a later occasion the disciples said, “Today we weren’t really filled with the Spirit because we never heard that sound”? Or, if they said, “Next time we must hear the same sound – and hear it even louder!”

That kind of thinking is a trap. Give God the credit to know when a special experience is necessary, and when it is not.

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 2

all filled with the Holy Spirit

All Filled With the Holy Spirit

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:2-4a)

As the 120 followers of Jesus gathered according to the command of their Savior, something remarkable happened. The “baptism with the Holy Spirit” that Jesus promised in Acts 1:5 came upon them. We read they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

all filled with the Holy Spirit

It’s important to remember that this was not the first experience the disciples of Jesus had with the Holy Spirit. They were not strangers to the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

– The disciples continually saw the Holy Spirit at work in the ministry of Jesus.
– The disciples experienced something of the power of the Holy Spirit as they stepped out and served God (Luke 10:1-20).
– The disciples heard Jesus promise a new, coming work of the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-18).
– The disciples received the Holy Spirit in a new way after Jesus finished His work on the cross and instituted the New Covenant in His blood (John 20:19-23).

With all of that, there was still more for them to receive and experience in regard to the work of the Holy Spirit – and they received more here in Acts 2.

Acts 2 tells us a lot about the filling of the Holy Spirit.

– The filling of the Holy Spirit is promised to us.
– The filling of the Holy Spirit is worth waiting for.
– The filling of the Holy Spirit comes as He wills, often not according to our expectation.
– The filling of the Holy Spirit can come upon not only individuals, but also upon groups (see also Acts 2:4, 4:31, and 10:44).
– The filling of the Holy Spirit is often given as God deals with our flesh and there is a dying to self.

It’s also important to see what Acts 2 does not tell us about the filling of the Holy Spirit.

– The filling of the Holy Spirit is not given according to formula.
– The filling of the Holy Spirit is not earned by seeking it. It is always God’s freely given gift.

No one can deny that this was a good thing. In the gospels we see a lot of weakness and wavering in these disciples as they followed Jesus. After this filling of the Holy Spirit, they were different people. They were not perfect; but they were different.

This coming and filling of the Holy Spirit was so good, so essential for the work of the community of early Christians, that Jesus actually said that it was better for Him to leave the earth bodily so He could send the Holy Spirit (John 16:7).

This filling of the Holy Spirit is for you (Luke 11:9-13). Ask God for it today.

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 2

Pentecost - Two Loaves

Pentecost – Two Loaves

Rolling the Dice

Rolling the Dice

And they prayed and said, “You, O Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which of these two You have chosen to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.” And they cast their lots, and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles. (Acts 1:24-26)

From thinking about what the Bible said, the disciples understood that they had to choose someone to take the place of the dead and disgraced Judas. As it says in Psalm 109:8, another should take the office of Judas.

Rolling the Dice

How should they choose the one to become the twelfth apostle? The disciples did the right things. They were in a place of obedience to God. They sought God’s will in the Scriptures. They used some common sense. Added to all that, also they prayed (Acts 1:24). It was easy for them to pray, because they had already been praying (Acts 1:14). They probably remembered times when Jesus prayed before choosing the disciples (Luke 6:12-13).

Then, they did something unusual: they cast their lots. This was essentially rolling dice or drawing straws for the answer. Many have questioned this method – it doesn’t seem spiritual to decide on God’s will by rolling dice.

Still, I think when they cast their lots, they actually relied on God. Though they were not yet filled with the Holy Spirit as they soon would be, they still wanted to choose a method that would make them rely on God. Perhaps they remembered Proverbs 16:33: The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.

Some insist that Matthias was the wrong choice and the use of lots in making the decision was not right. The idea is that God would have eventually chosen Paul if the office had been left vacant. But we must respect the testimony of the Scriptures; God did not want to leave the office vacant. If it were left unfilled, it might be seen as a victory for Satan; it would be as if Jesus chose 12, but one came up short and therefore Satan defeated the desire of Jesus to have 12 apostles.

As for Paul, he clearly considered himself an apostle, but one born out of due time (1 Corinthians 15:8). It doesn’t seem Paul objected to the selection of Matthias.

Casting lots may be an imperfect way to discern God’s will, but it is much better than the methods many Christians use today in making big decisions:

– They rely on their emotions.
– They rely on circumstances.
– They rely on feelings.
– They rely on fleshly desires.

It would be better to roll the dice and trust God for the results!

At the end of it all, Matthias was numbered with the eleven apostles. I believe God guided them into the right decision, and He will also guide us as we obey Him, search the Scriptures, pray, and rely on Him. Do it today!

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 1

Making Big Decisions

How to Make Big Decisions

Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey. And when they had entered, they went up into the upper room where they were staying.… These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. (Acts 1:12-14)

Are you good at making important decisions? In Acts 1, the disciples had a big decision to make. They understood from the Scriptures that it was proper to replace Judas, the disgraced one who betrayed Jesus and then killed himself. But exactly who should replace Judas and fulfill his office? The steps they took in Acts 1:12-14 give us an example to follow before we make important decisions.

Making Big Decisions

First, notice their obedience: Then they returned to Jerusalem. Just before He was carried up to heaven, Jesus told them to return to Jerusalem and wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. That is exactly what they did. Sometimes we hear God speak to us in through His word, but we quickly forget it. Many a good sermon has been lost on the walk from the church to the parking lot! But here the disciples did what Jesus told them to do, even though He was no longer physically present with them. If we want to make the right decisions, it begins with being obedient right now with what we know to be God’s will.

Second, notice their unity: These all continued with one accord. When we saw the disciples in the gospels, it seemed they were always fighting and bickering. What changed? Peter still had his history of denying Jesus, Matthew was still a former tax collector, and Simon was still a zealot. Their differences were still there, but the resurrected Jesus in their hearts was greater than any of their differences. When we seek God about a big decision, a lack of unity with our brothers and sisters in Jesus can really get in the way. Being out of fellowship – either through our absence or through bad relationship – puts us in a bad place for decision making.

Finally, notice their prayer:  These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication. They all prayed, and they continued in prayer and supplication. The idea of the word supplication is a sense of desperation and earnestness in prayer. Prayer showed that they depended on God and the depth of their prayer showed the depth of their dependence. God honors it when we deeply depend on Him; it is another way

There is obviously more than these three parts to making good, godly decisions; but these three things give us an essential foundation: obedience, unity, and prayer. Now is the time to give attention to these three areas, before you might find yourself needing to make a big decision. If you are in a decision time right now, then don’t wait – give attention to obedience, unity, and prayer.

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 1

this same Jesus

This Same Jesus

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:9-11)

Some 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus gathered His disciples on the Mount of Olives and told them to be witnesses to Him in all the earth. After finishing that important and final command, Jesus did something remarkable. His physical body was lifted up into heaven, even as His disciples watched. He went up, up, and up even further until He faded into the clouds and could be seen no more.

this same Jesus

Jesus wanted His disciples see His departure from earth to heaven. We read, while they watched, He was taken up. It was important for Jesus to leave His disciples in this manner. In theory, He certainly could have simply vanished to heaven and to the Father’s presence in a secret sort of way. But Jesus wanted His followers to know that He was gone for good, as opposed to the way He appeared and reappeared during the 40 days after His resurrection.

Jesus told His disciples it was better for Him to leave, because then He would send them the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). Now the disciples could know that that promise would be fulfilled. The Holy Spirit was coming because Jesus promised to send the Spirit when He left, and the ascension was a way to demonstrate that Jesus was really gone.

As the disciples stared up into the sky, two men – apparently angels – asked, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? They told the disciples to focus on what Jesus told them to do, not in wondering where and how Jesus went.

The two men referred to Christ as, this same Jesus. This reminds us that the Jesus who ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father is the same Jesus of the Gospels. He is the same Jesus of love, grace, goodness, wisdom, and care. The Jesus in heaven is this same Jesus.

Then also added a wonderful promise: Jesus will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven. This Jesus will return just as He left.

– He left physically and will so come in like manner.
– He left visibly and will so come in like manner.
– He left from the Mount of Olives and will so come in like manner.
– He left in the presence of His disciples and will so come in like manner.
– He left blessing His people (Luke 24:50-51) and will so come in like manner.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Click here for David’s commentary on Acts 1