David Guzik’s weekly devotional, based on a verse or two from the Bible.

God Meant It for Good

God Meant It for Good

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. (Genesis 50:20)

After their father Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers were afraid he would use his power and prestige in Egypt to get revenge against the brothers who had sold him as a slave, essentially leaving him for dead.

From a human perspective, Joseph had the right and the ability to get revenge against his brothers, but he knew God was God and he was not. Such retribution belonged to God, not Joseph’s.

God Meant It for Good

Yet, Joseph did not romanticize the wrong his brothers did. He plainly said, You meant evil against me. Although this was true, it was not the greatest truth. The greatest truth was God meant it for good.

Every Christian should be able to see the overarching and overruling hand of God in their life; to know that no matter what evil man brings against us, God can use it for good. Joseph did not have the text of Romans 8:28, but he had the truth of it: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Sadly, some of us who have the text do not have the truth.

Ultimately, our lives are not in the hands of men, but in the hands of God, who overrules all things for His glory.

There was an old minister who had a unique gift to minister to distressed and discouraged people. In his Bible, he carried an old bookmark woven of silk threads into a phrase. The back of it, where the threads were knotted and tied, was a hopeless tangle. He would take the bookmark out and show the troubled person this side of the bookmark and ask them to make sense of it. They never could. Then the pastor would turn it over, and on the front were white letters against a solid background saying, “God is love.” When events in our life seem tangled and meaningless, it is because we can see only one side of the tapestry.

There was an immediate good in the situation: to save many people alive. If this large family did not come to Egypt and live, they would have perished in the famine. Had the family barely survived, it would have assimilated into the surrounding Canaanite tribes. Only by coming to Egypt could they be preserved and grow into a distinct nation.

The evil done by Joseph’s brothers became part of a chain of events that led to the survival of the Jewish people, and the eventual coming of Jesus the Messiah according to God’s plan.

Thankfully, the sin others do against us never is the last word. God has the last word, and believers can therefore forgive those who sin against them. Can you say it? “God meant it for good.”

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 50

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How to Shoot Strong

How to Shoot Strong

But his bow remained in strength,
And the arms of his hands were made strong
By the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob
(From there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel),
By the God of your father who will help you,
And by the Almighty who will bless you
 (Genesis 49:24-25a)

Genesis 49 records Jacob’s wonderful, prophetic blessing pronounced over the sons of Israel. This section from the blessing over Joseph presents at least two beautiful things to notice.

How to Shoot Strong

The first is the picture behind the phrase, the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob. Earlier, Jacob poetically described how Joseph’s enemies were like archers who shot at him (49:23). Yet Joseph was not defeated, because his bow remained in strength. Why did his bow stay strong? Because his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob.

Consider this picture: a father helps his son to shoot with bow and arrows. The son isn’t strong enough to skillfully handle to bow, so the father reaches around him, places his stronger hands on his son’s smaller hands, and helps him shoot the bow. The idea is that God’s hands were on Joseph’s hands, giving him strength and skill to work the bow expertly. God was there, even when Joseph did not know it. This is true also for you.

The second wonderful thing is found in the five great titles Jacob used for God in these verses. These titles show that Jacob did come to an understanding of who God is. As you read these, ask yourself: “Do I know God this way?”

The Mighty God of Jacob: He is the God of true power and might, and the personal God.

The Shepherd: He is the God who faithfully and tenderly cares for His people.

The Stone of Israel: He is the God who is the stable foundation for His people, both individually and collectively.

The God of your father: He is the God has an amazing record of faithfulness in past generations.

The Almighty: He is the God who can do anything, who is powerful and sovereign over all. It is this Almighty, wonderful God who will bless you, bringing His goodness and grace to your life.

Taken together, this is much better than when Jacob earlier referred to God as the God of Abraham or the Fear of his father Isaac (Genesis 31:53). Those titles focused on how God related to Abraham and Isaac, not on how God related to Jacob. Now, in Genesis 49, these five wonderful titles for God shows that Jacob knew who God was for himself.

The same God Jacob promised would make Joseph bend the bow with strength and skill is the God revealed in these five wonderful titles. God wants you to know Him this way, both by the truth of His word and the experience of your life. Do you know Him?

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 49

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Four Stages of Spiritual Growth

Four Stages of Spiritual Growth

Then Israel said to Joseph, “Behold, I am dying, but God will be with you and bring you back to the land of your fathers.” (Genesis 48:21)

When Israel (Jacob) told Joseph, Behold, I am dying, he understood a transition was underway. The torch Israel held for so long was now given to Joseph and his brothers. Israel was the last of the three great patriarchs to walk the earth, but God’s work would continue.

Four Stages of Spiritual Growth

Charles Spurgeon, the great preacher of Victorian England, understood this principle. “If Abraham dies, there is Isaac; and if Isaac dies, there is Jacob; and if Jacob dies, there is Joseph; and if Joseph dies, Ephraim and Manasseh survive. The Lord shall never lack a champion to bear his standard high among the sons of men…. God will keep up the apostolic succession, never fear of that. When Stephen is dying, Paul is not far off. When Elijah is taken up, he leaves his mantle behind him.”

It’s true. Sometimes when we see great men and women of God die, we despair. Who will carry on God’s work? The answer is simple: God will carry on His work. He will choose, call, and train His servants as it pleases Him.

Israel gave Joseph hope for the future, planted in a valuable promise: God will be with you and bring you back to the land of your fathers. If the patriarchs no longer walked the earth, God would still be with His people. God would also keep His promise to give the land of Canaan (the land of your fathers) to the descendants of Israel.

Israel’s declaration, God will be with you and bring you completes a collection of phrases connected to his life that illustrate the believer in various stages of spiritual maturity.

The phrase, I am with you (Genesis 28:15) was God’s promise to be with young Jacob (Israel) in the present moment, the “right now.” This shows that God gives the young believer every possible assurance of His presence and grace.

The phrase, I will be with you (Genesis 31:3) was God’s promise to Jacob of His future faithfulness, to be seen in coming days. This shows that God expects the growing believer to trust He will be near, even when he only has the promise of His presence.

The phrase, God…has been with me from Genesis 31:5 was Jacob’s wonderful testimony that God had fulfilled the promises of His presence. This is something a mature believer will declare. The mature believer can tell others how God has been with him, even in difficult and testing times. 

Finally, the phrase here in Genesis 48:21, God will be with you shows that God gives the mature believer the opportunity to encourage others with the promise of God’s presence. It was as if Israel could say, “Joseph, God has never forsaken me. God has been with me, and I can confidently say He will be with you.”

Which of these four stages best describes your spiritual condition?

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 48

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God's Grateful Servants

God’s Grateful Servants

So they said, “You have saved our lives; let us find favor in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh’s servants.” (Genesis 47:25)

Because God moved through the wisdom and bold action of Joseph, the Pharaoh of Egypt had lots of grain through seven years of terrible famine. In first few years, people sold everything they had to buy this grain. Before the famine was over, they sold their land and agreed to heavy taxation in the future to get the grain they needed to survive (Genesis 47:23-24).

God's Grateful Servants

In those days, one-fifth – that is, 20% – was considered heavy taxation. In fact, the hungry people who agreed to 20% taxes thought that rate of taxation made them servants or slaves of Pharoah. Many people in the western world today would be thrilled to be taxed “only” 20%. According to some sources, an average person in the USA can expect to pay more than 33% of their income in taxes over their lifetime, and most tax rates in Europe are significantly higher.

Still, in the days of Joseph and ancient Egypt, the people thought it was a good deal to pay 20% taxes for the rest of their lives. Why did they think it was a good deal? Because they recognized that Pharaoh and his grain had saved their lives.

Why were they willing to become servants to Pharaoh? Because he was, humanly speaking, their savior. He and his grain saved them, preserved their lives. If it wasn’t for the grain that Joseph wisely stockpiled because of the divine interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream, the streets of Egypt would have been filled with the withered bodies of the starving and dead. There was no other food to be found in the time of famine. Receiving Pharoah’s grain was the only way to live. Having received Pharaoh’s food, gratitude brought them to humbly serve the one who saved their lives.

Dear believing brother or sister, do you see the analogy to your relationship with God?

By His sacrificial death and victorious resurrection, Jesus Christ has rescued all those who put their trust in Him. Without Jesus they were lost and destined for eternal separation from God. There is no other way to come in right relationship with God: For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).

Considering all that Jesus has done for us, it makes sense that we would gratefully serve Him.

The people made this arrangement with Joseph hoping to find favor in the sight of Joseph and Pharaoh. This points to a wonderful truth for all those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ. He not only saves our life (You have saved our lives), but He also gives us His favor.

In the riches of God’s grace, He does more than rescue the believer. In Jesus, God then lifts the believer up to a place of favor and blessing.

No wonder we are God’s grateful servants!

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 47

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Visions of the Night

Visions of the Night

So Israel took his journey with all that he had, and came to Beersheba, and offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. Then God spoke to Israel in the visions of the night, and said, “Jacob, Jacob!”

And he said, “Here I am.”

So He said, “I am God, the God of your father; do not fear to go down to Egypt, for I will make of you a great nation there. I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you up again; and Joseph will put his hand on your eyes.” (Genesis 46:1-4)

God had it all arranged. Israel (Jacob) and his large family found refuge from a widespread famine as Israel took all that he had and went south. He came to Beersheba – the southernmost outpost of Canaan on the way to Egypt, and there he honored God with sacrifices.

Visions of the Night

Beersheba was an important place. Both Abraham (Genesis 22:19) and Isaac (Genesis 26:23) stayed there. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba many years before and there he called on the name of the Lord (Genesis 21:33). There, Isaac received a special promise from God and built an altar, calling on the name of the Lord (Genesis 26:24-25). Here Israel sacrificed, remembering what God had done before. As Israel connected with what God did in the past (by sacrificing at Beersheba), he was assured of God’s plan for the future.

At that time, God spoke to Israel in the visions of the night. More than 40 years before, when Jacob was about to leave the Promised Land, God spoke to him in a dream (Genesis 28:12-17). Now, when he was about to leave the land again, God again brought assurance through visions of the night.

As Jacob led his family into this foreign land, he did not know what the future held. At the same time, he knew the future was in God’s hands. God had a promise for Israel: I will make of you a great nation there. God told Israel what His purpose was in bringing this large family or clan down to Egypt. Because of the exclusive, segregated nature of Egyptian life, Israel’s descendants could grow as a large, distinct nation there. Egypt became like a mother’s womb to Israel as a nation, where they grew from something small to something full size.

God also promised, I will also surely bring you up again. The great reason Jacob did not need to fear the journey to Egypt was that God promised to bring him back to the Promised Land. This would be fulfilled after Jacob’s death, but it would be fulfilled – Egypt would never be the permanent home for Israel and his children.

We can learn from this. Connect with what God has done in the past, especially at the cross of Jesus. Then, receive God’s assurance for both the present and the future. You don’t need a special vision in the night – just receive what God has already done.

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 46

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The Good Plan of God

The Good Plan of God

And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt. (Genesis 45:7-8)

Joseph was the victim of cruel abuse, from his brothers, from the Midianites, from the Potiphar’s wife, from Pharoh’s butler, and from many others. Yet, Joseph didn’t think of himself as a victim. He saw God’s good work as greater than the bad things done against him.

The Good Plan of God

We see this in the explanation he gave his brothers, once he revealed himself to them. Joseph explained how the hand of God worked despite the wicked things done against him.

This is how Joseph explained his being sold as a slave in Egypt: God sent me before you to preserve a posterity. Joseph did not diminish what the brothers did, yet he saw that God’s purpose in it all was greater than the evil of the brothers.

When sinned against, we are tempted to fail in one or both areas. We are tempted to pretend that the offending party never did it or tempted to ignore the over-arching hand of God in every circumstance.

It is fair to ask, “Why was Joseph in Egypt? Was it because of the sin of his brothers or because of the good plan of God?” The answer is that both aspects were true. All Joseph’s sorrows had a purpose. God used them to preserve his family and provide the conditions for it to become a nation. Joseph was a victim, harmed by the sins committed against him, but God turned it around for His glory. None of it was for a loss.

Going to Egypt, Israel did not assimilate among the pagan tribes of Canaan. God brought them to Egypt to grow yet remain a distinctive nation.

Years ago, Rabbi Harold Kushner wrote a best-selling book titled When Bad Things Happen to Good People. The whole point of his book was to say God is all loving but not all powerful; that God is good, but not sovereign. So, when bad things happen to good people, it is because events are out of God’s control. Kushner advised his readers to “learn to love [God] and forgive him despite his limitations.” Whatever Kushner described, it was not the God of the Bible, the God displayed in Joseph’s life.

In saying, it was not you who sent me here, but God. Joseph realized God ruled his life, not good men, not evil men, not circumstances, and not fate. God was in control, and because God was in control, all things worked together for good.

Have others wronged you? You don’t need to pretend it never happened. Be real about what they did but see with greater clarity the good plan of God in it all.

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 45

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Changed Men

Changed Men

Now therefore, please let your servant remain instead of the lad as a slave to my lord, and let the lad go up with his brothers. For how shall I go up to my father if the lad is not with me, lest perhaps I see the evil that would come upon my father? (Genesis 44:33-34)

Can people really change? Repeatedly, we see in the Bible and life stories that God has the power to profoundly change those who surrender to Him. This principle culminates in the work of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which announces how people can come into right relationship with God. In Christ, we are new people: if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Changed Men

A wonderful example of the power of God to change lives is found in the sons of Jacob, the brothers of Joseph, as God worked in them sorrow and repentance for how they had sinned against Joseph.

When Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to get grain during a terrible famine, they didn’t know that they were dealing with the brother they sold as a slave. Joseph recognized them, but they didn’t recognize him.

God then guided the unusual actions of Joseph toward his brothers to bring them to repentance, and to display their repentance for what they against Joseph. This is especially seen when Judah said, please let your servant remain instead of the lad as a slave to my lord. Judah dramatically offered to lay down his life for the sake of Benjamin. This was an amazing change from 22 years before when the brothers did not care about Joseph, Benjamin, or even their father Jacob.

Judah distinguished himself as the one willing to be a substitutionary sacrifice, out of love for his father and for his brethren. This is love – heroic self-sacrifice.

Sacrificial love is evidence of real life transformation (John 13:34). This is seen in Moses (Exodus 32:31-32) and Paul (Romans 9:1-4).

Through this chapter, there is remarkable evidence of the changed hearts of Joseph’s brothers.

– The brothers did not resent it when Benjamin was given the favored portion (Genesis 43:34).
– They trusted each other, not accusing each other of wrong when accused of stealing the cup (44:9).
– They stuck together when the silver cup was found and did not abandon the favored son, allowing him to be carried back to Egypt alone (44:13).
– They completely humbled themselves for the sake of the favored son (44:14).
– They knew their crisis was because of their sin against Joseph (44:16).
– They offered themselves as slaves to Egypt, not abandoning Benjamin, the favored son, their brother (44:16).
– They showed due concern for how this might affect their father (Genesis 44:29-31).

The ultimate evidence that the brothers had been changed was Judah’s display of self-sacrificing love (Genesis 44:33). Would anyone look at your life and say that self-sacrifice is evidence that you have been transformed?

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 44

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God's Great Wisdom

God’s Great Wisdom

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So they set him a place by himself, and them by themselves, and the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves; because the Egyptians could not eat food with the Hebrews, for that is an abomination to the Egyptians. (Genesis 43:32)

There is no denying that Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel), was abused and victimized by many people. These included his brothers, the Midianites who bought and sold him as a slave, his master Potiphar, Potiphar’s wife, and the baker and the butcher in prison. In their own ways, each of these did wrong to Joseph, and there were probably several more that the biblical account never mentioned.

God's Great Wisdom

Why? Why did God allow such terrible things to happen against Joseph? Even if we said that God did not do these things by His own hand, it is still true that God allowed them to happen. We suppose God had a purpose, but what was it?

One part of the answer is in Genesis 43:32, a verse explaining some of the dining customs of the ancient Egyptians. When Joseph invited his brothers for dinner, he ate at a place by himself. They Egyptians knew Joseph was a foreigner, so there were three tables at this dinner party. One for the Egyptians, one for the Hebrew brothers, and one for Joseph by himself.

They didn’t eat at the same table because it was an abomination to the Egyptians. According to some sources, in those ancient days, Egypt was one of the most racially separated societies on earth. The claim is that the ancient Egyptians believed that they came from the gods, and all other people came from lesser origins. Therefore, there was little social mixing with foreigners.

This is especially seen in that the Egyptians also ate…by themselves. The Egyptians would not eat with Joseph, much less the strangers from Canaan (the sons of Jacob). Even with all his status and power, Joseph could still not eat with “real” Egyptians.

Here we see the wisdom of God. Before the book of Genesis is finished, God brought the entire family of Jacob into Egypt, where they were isolated from the surrounding people for some 400 years. In that time, they multiplied greatly, increasing to the millions.

If God had allowed the family of Israel to remain in Canaan they would have simply assimilated into the corrupt and godless peoples of Canaan. God not only had to take the family of Israel out of the corrupt environment of Canaan, but He also had to put them among a racially separated people who would not often intermarry or mingle with them. God simply sent Joseph on ahead to make the arrangements.

They couldn’t see it at the time, but God had a great reason for sending Israel to Egypt. God has a great plan for your life, even in the hard times He allows. He has a good and wise reason for it all, even when you can’t see it.

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 43

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Jesus - Star and Scepter

Jesus – Star and Scepter

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I see Him, but not now;
I behold Him, but not near;
A Star shall come out of Jacob;
A Scepter shall rise out of Israel,
And batter the brow of Moab,
And destroy all the sons of tumult.
(Numbers 24:17)

Balaam was a strange and unlikely prophet of the living God, and his words recorded in Numbers 23 and 24 were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Speaking forth God’s word, Balaam said a Star shall come out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel. With these words through Balaam, God described someone glorious (like a Star) who would also have authority to rule (pictured by a Scepter).

Jesus - Star and Scepter

Previously Balaam prophesied of the beauty, strength, and blessedness of Israel; now God used him to speak of the culmination of all Israel’s beauty, strength, and blessedness – the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Israel’s ultimate blessedness comes from Jesus, their Messiah.

Both ancient Jewish writers and early Christians understood this as a reference to the Messiah. It’s entirely possible that the wise men who were drawn to Bethlehem, perhaps a year or more after the birth of Jesus, were drawn by a star. Balaam’s announcement of a coming Star and Scepter gave them a Scriptural reason to follow the unusual star in the sky.

Perhaps when the magi sighted the star, they looked up the prophecy of Balaam. They could have connected the Star with the Scepter – they followed the star in the sky and looked for the One born King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2). The star of Bethlehem gets a lot of attention at Christmas time, and rightfully so. Yet that star not only pointed to Jesus Christ, but it also spoke of Jesus Christ.

The New Testament puts its stamp of approval on Balaam’s prophecy. It at least two ways, First, by the prominence of the star in the story of Jesus’ birth and babyhood (Matthew 2:1-10). Second, the reference Jesus as the Bright and Morning Star likely has Balaam’s prophecy in mind (Revelation 2:26-28, 22:16).

It’s wonderful that Jesus is represented by a Star. Stars are in the heavens; so is Jesus. Stars bring light, so does Jesus. Stars gives us a sense of awe, and so does Jesus. Stars give guidance, and so does Jesus. Do you see Jesus as a star? Is He your star?

It’s wonderful that Jesus is also represented by a scepter. Kings hold scepters, and those scepters communicate the king’s authority, His right to reign and rule. As the king of kings, Jesus has the right to hold any and all scepters.

Jesus holds the right to this scepter in at least two ways. First, most monarchs become kings by birth; and Jesus was born a king. Second, the scepter of kingly authority belongs to Jesus as He earned it by a sinless life, sacrificial death, and resurrection.

Do you recognize the kingly scepter Jesus holds over your life?

This Christmas, think of Jesus: Star and Scepter.

Click here for David’s commentary on Numbers 24

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A Lot to Put in a Little Cradle

A Lot to Put in a Little Cradle

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And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)

We love the traditional stories about the birth of Jesus, but some of those traditional stories are not biblically accurate. Some of these inaccurate traditions have to do with the wise men from the East.

A Lot to Put in a Little Cradle

The Bible never says they numbered three, but we sing the carol “We Three Kings of Orient Are,” and many people assume there were three. The Bible never says they were kings, but that they were an order of Persian wise men – “magi.” Perhaps most importantly, the Bible does not tell us they came on the night Jesus was born, but later – probably when Jesus was in His first year. Seeing the star, the wise men began to plan their journey on the night Jesus was born, and it took them several months to arrive.

We do know this from the Biblical record: they brought at least three appropriate gifts for the Child, gifts also fitting for the Man He would grow up to be.

Gold was a fitting gift for a king. In ancient Persia, whenever one appeared before the king, they had to have a gift of gold. These Persian wise men honored a child as a king. Strange, isn’t it? Children aren’t born kings; they are born princes and later become kings. But this Child was different – He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and will reign from the throne of David, forever and ever.

Frankincense was a fitting gift for a priest. Frankincense is a glittering, fragrant resin that comes from trees. It was used as incense by the priests of Israel and as incense, it is a picture of prayer and intercession in the Bible. This was an appropriate gift for Jesus, our High Priest, and intercessor before God! In Scripture, a priest represents who God is to the people and represents the people before God. Jesus did both perfectly. The Bible says He ever lives to pray for His people.

Myrrh was a fitting gift for someone who would die. Myrrh is a fragrant spice used primarily in embalming. This was an appropriate gift for Jesus, who came to die. Even now, the pale shadow of the cross cast its dark image over the cradle of Jesus; here was a Man born to live, to show us God, to heal, and to teach. But more than anything, He was born to die. On the cross, He bore the judgment we deserved and stood in place for all who would receive Him.

That is a lot for God to put in a cradle – but God did it! We are invited to receive Jesus Christ as our King, our High Priest, and the One who paid the price for the sin we deserve to pay.

Click here for David’s commentary on Matthew 2

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