The LORD Was With Him

The LORD Was With Him

The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD made all he did to prosper in his hand. (Genesis 39:2-3)

When you think of all that Joseph endured before he was 25 years old, it was more than enough to last a lifetime. Rejected and abused by his own family, Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave to a foreign people. Sold again in the slave markets of Egypt, Joseph was purchased by captain of Pharaoh’s guard and began to serve in his house.

The LORD Was With Him

Joseph’s ordeal was probably worse than any of us have gone through. Yet, the LORD was with Joseph. God did not abandon Joseph, even in the smallest way. Believers often complain to God that He put them in a terrible or difficult place. Yet, in general, God’s will is for His people to trust Him to bless them and make them successful (as He measures success) wherever they are.

Some people think they can’t be blessed unless they are in authority, in charge of things. Jesus lived and taught a better way – a life as a servant.

– Jesus said, If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, learn to be the servant of all. (Matthew 20:26)
– Jesus said and lived this principle: For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve. (Matthew 20:28)
– There are many wonderful titles for Jesus the Messiah, but one of the most meaningful is Servant of the Lord (Matthew 12:18, Isaiah 42:1). Yes, He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and the King of Kings – yet Jesus is also a servant, the ultimate servant.

Believers can and must learn the blessing of being a servant; if it isn’t forced upon a believer, then they can choose it.

Even at this early point when it seemed Joseph had no control over circumstances – and indeed he had none – God overruled the evil or unpredictable choices of man to accomplish His eternal purpose. The LORD made Joseph a successful man.

By his trust in God, diligent work, and blessing from God, Joseph showed Potiphar that God was real, and that the LORD was with Joseph. Followers of Jesus should live out the same principle today; others should see the difference Jesus makes in the life of believers by the way they work.

It is a great blessing to say of anyone, the LORD was with him. Think of the contrast between Joseph and his brothers. The brothers were not sold as slaves and they slept in their own beds among their own families. At the same time, Joseph was a slave, but free because the LORD was with him. The brothers were free, but slaves to secrets, shame, and guilt.

In Jesus Christ, the Servant of the LORD, it is true: the LORD is with you.

Click here for David’s commentary on Genesis 39

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