How Have Resources from Enduring Word Helped You?

Over the years these online materials have helped many Christians grow in their understanding of God and His Word, the Bible.

Whether you use few or many words, I would love to hear how Enduring Word has helped you to learn and share God’s Word.

Thanks So Much

Your Story

What’s Your Enduring Word Story?

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Fills in the Gaps

I just found this while studying in Exodus. GREAT commentary that fills in many gaps in learning.

Thank you Pastor Guzik and your supporters for offering this online.

I will check back often and recommend to friends.

Thanks from a Cowboy Church Pastor

After reading the most eloquent reviews of your writings what can I add? I agree with them and get your assistance it gives to this Cowboy Church pastor in Texas. So, I just want you to know I read and understand your efforts to expand the holy Word. Moreover, I care that you are alive and doing a work that reaches many. with that, I will pray for God to continue to use you mightily in His service and that joy and peace will reign in your heart.

Like A Good Meal

When I read David’s commentaries, I often feel like I’ve had a good meal. I feel satisfied, content and ready to face the day. David’s notes are rich in research, soaked in prayer and dedication and anointed by the Lord. David is obviously a man of integrity. His teaching has helped me unlock the spiritual riches and wisdom of the Holy scriptures. At the end of a study session, I’m often aware of the peace and love of the Lord in my heart.

My “Go To” Place

Whenever I have read, heard or am studying scripture David Guzik commentaries are my first “go to” place to gain a deeper understanding. Thank you for your hard work!

Excellent Resource

Thank you very much for all your careful, hard work in developing your commentaries. I have found to be helpful on so many levels. On a purely practical level, the site is so simple and easy to navigate and the chapter layout so readable and consistently organized. The most important part is content, of course, and this is the most impressive. I came upon your site when searching for ways to make a very basic Bible study come alive with dynamic truth within the beauty of the written Word and its historical context. How thrilled I’ve been with the timeless/accurate/relevant insights from you as well as several reputable Bible scholars and historians! Never have I come away from a chapter and its commentary without feeling encouraged and built up in my knowledge of the Word. It has been an excellent resource that I’ve been so happy to refer many friends to as a great way to “study to show [ourselves] approved” learning to “rightly divide the Word of truth.” May the Lord bless your life work! It is an excellent tool for Christians who earnestly desire to know and walk in truth. Thank you!

Please Translate into Urdu!

I am from Pakistan and I am a Christian. I am full time working for God. We are running a ministry which is mainly working on Helping Orphans and street children and we are also supporting poor Christian Families, we are doing evangelism, Distributing Free Bibles. I have been visiting your ministry’s Website.

I found that all your material is full of knowledge concerning development of religious faith. . Most of the people in Pakistan are not capable to understand the English language. It’s because our national language is Urdu. My suggestion for you is to create your Books in my language of Urdu . It will bring lots of blessings of the Word of God for the Pakistani Urdu speaking people. For that purpose we as a translator will bring your material into Urdu language and into Punjabi language as well. It will be a blessing for the people of Pakistan because the Bible Studies and Books are full of knowledge in your website. we hope that we can translate your material into our Urdu language and we can hand out your materials to the Urdu speaking people of Pakistan.

Such a Blessing

Just wanted to drop a note of thanks for your commentary on Revelation! I’m teaching directly from the commentary in our home bible study. It’s such a blessing!

From a Pastor in Italy

Dear Pastor David thanks for your useful and valuable online commentary I consult it regularly since 2002 and I thank the Lord for your ministry

God Bless You
Pastor Valerio Mungai
Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica Koinonia

Loving Jesus More

I was studying the book of Mark and found Blue Letter Bible. I did not know what to expect. The Commentary was very clear and explained the History. I heard the Gospel many times. As I searched the Commentary, I began a deeper appreciation of the Bible. Now I continue to dig deep for clarity of The Bible. It is without a doubt that Enduring Word and Enduring Word Media has helped me.

Today I have friends that are Missionaries in Cork, Ireland that serve in Calvary Chapel Cork. They happened to be friends of Pastor Guzik. Wow!!! What a beautiful world we live in.

I take my Family to Santa Barbara to visit Pastor Guzik, several times a year and they found out how they too may have more understanding and knowledge of the Bible.

Thank you for the effort and the knowledge you have given to the glory of Jesus. Your work has made me and my Family love Jesus more each day.

God’s Word is Exciting

Not bragging, but I made a life decision about 10 years ago to read the Bible through each year. His Word is a living, breathing document that shows me something new every day; however, since studying the Bible with your commentaries, you have opened up the Scriptures for me — more life and more breath of the Word of God. For 2 years now I have watched your videos and listened to your commentaries. I cannot even begin to tell of the blessings I have received by the honest, sometimes humorous, down-to-earth but studious commentaries that God gave you to give to us. The Word of God has become so exciting to me that sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have to study another chapter or book in the Bible. Every morning I get up excited to worship our Lord with your guidance. Bless you, David. This is what I have been waiting for all my life (I am 74) so that I could be excited about the Word, seeing how following God impacts my life each day, and knowing that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. Thank you, and may God bless you and give your more and more insights from which we may glean. AND I have started reading the sermons of Spurgeon, because you have enlightened me to him.

Encouraged in Many Ways

I am a retired police officer from India. I accepted Jesus Christ on Dec 18 1991 and was baptised on May 1992 and this while in police service. Retired from service on July 31 2005. Now I am preacher at large among my people. I am father of six daughters and grand father for nine grand children. Two daughters in USA and others in India.

For my spiritual upliftment I study your Bible commentary through Blue Letter Bible and encouraged. Similarly Enduring word encourages me in many ways. God bless your ministry many fold for the benefit of believers around the globe.

Deeper Understanding of God’s Word

About a year ago, I made a covenant with God to read the bible, from beginning to end – a first for me. I soon realised that I wasn’t engaging with the word as fully as I could be – reading was a rather passive exercise.

After a few internet searches, I discovered David Guzik’s Bible commentary.

Frankly, my life has not been the same. Through a deeper understanding of God’s word, promises and character, I have learnt so many lessons which I’ve been able to apply to my life today.

I’m grateful to God and David Guzik and I’m excited about what 2017 will bring.

Thank you!

Perfect Companion to Daily Bible Study

There are days when I feel I have definitely been through the ringer. I lost my husband to cancer 20 years ago and I have never remarried. I have 4 children, and instead of being there for their mother, they seem to be against me and whenever they are nice it is usually because they want something from me. I have always loved the bible and whenever I would attempt to read it, I would have trouble understanding it. May I just say your audio and written commentaries are a perfect companion to my daily bible study. I truly appreciate having it and I hope you finish the books you have not done as of yet. I know that God allows us to have trials and tribulations to help fine tune us. I try to remember this when I am feeling abandoned. I am on disability and when I am feeling down, I try to remember all the ways God has blessed me. It is just a blessing to know He is always beside me. I love my Creator!

My Life Has Changed

I have always wanted to read the whole Bible but never made to the time to do it until I lost my job 2 years ago. After losing my job I rededicated my life to God and made the decision to study and learn more about God. I did not know where to begin or know which commentary was right for me or would help me understand God’s word. I can’t remember actually how but the Holy Spirit directed me to this website the Enduring Word. Thank You David, May God continue to bless you for creating this site My life has changed since I started reading my bible along with this commentary. This commentary is easy to read, understand and is practical. I find it easy for me to relate to what is going on in my life and the world around me. Reading the Bible is a habit now, its apart of my daily routine (day & night). When I read the bible I have a brand new song to sing, I feel more at Peace, I trust in God more, I love more, and I handle all my battles/situations differently all because I have a better understanding of God’s word. Thank you again, I can now win battles with the word of God and continuously build my relationship with My Saviour.

Coffee and Commentary

This is the best thing ever since being retired; Make a nice hot cup of Sumatra strarbucks coffee open and read the good word while logged on to the enduring word incase I need further explaination! But please, can you stop the “keep-up-to-date” pop ups! they take up the whole page and It blocks your commentaries! Thank you so much!

Commentary Makes It Easy

Hey David, I love your website and podcast out there. I have listened numerous times and periodically use your website to do Biblical resource. Your organization makes it very easy and I love the quotes you pull and your commentary. Teaching Biblical History is a whole lot easier with your help!

Prison Ministry

I will soon be starting a bible study on the book of Matthew at a nearby state prison in Kansas, under the umbrella of Prison Fellowship Ministries. Thank You!

High School Bible Teacher Says “Thanks”

Thank you for making your commentary available. As a high school Bible teacher I often turn to your commentary when students have questions or objections regarding a specific scripture. Also, in my own personal studies it helps me see a text more fully. I really appreciate all the application I find in the commentary. Thank you!

Growing Deeper in Faith and Knowledge

I’ve read the Bible on and off for years as I was raised this way and knew it was the “right” thing to do. Often, I would just quickly read through passages not understanding one bit of it but just wanting to check it off my list of “to-do’s” for the day. A few years back though, I had the desire to actually understand what I was reading and know the history surrounding events that seemed so confusing. I think I googled Bible commentaries and after looking through a few different ones, I knew this was the commentary that was going to assist me in my study of the Bible more than any other commentary. I have gained the most useful knowledge from reading this commentary and any time I’m confused about what I’m reading, I just go to my favorites and open up Enduring Word! Not only has this provided invaluable help to me, it has opened me up to the knowledge of great theologians of the past. Without Enduring Word, I would’ve never read some of my favorite quotes by Spurgeon or known of other wonderful words by other students of the Bible. My Bible is full of these quotes and I have grown deeper in faith and knowledge because of these resources. Thank you for the work you do! I look forward to reading your commentary on books you have yet to finish. May God continue to bless your work!

For My Weekly Bible Study

I got inspired today after I finished preparing my weekly Bible study for my mom’s assisted living.

I’ve been using your commentaries on Blue Letter Bible for a few years now and I just wanted to say thank you.

It was the Lord’s Providence that put an idea into a staff members’ mind to ask me to lead a ‘Bible reading’ once they found out I was a Christian. I never considered myself a Bible teacher, but you know when you get the call to volunteer, that God has a plan and will give you all that you need…
It’s been 2 years now that Bible reading is a full on study. I have 15 faithfuls that come out with many others that have come and heard the Gospel.

One particularly incredible story is a beloved 89 year old Jewish woman named Joan. She attended for about a year. Her family had to move her closer to themselves which was so sad for us. But before she left she told me how she had received Jesus the Messiah and one day while sitting outside in her wheelchair she, for the first time in her life, felt the presence of God. She said it was like God was holding her and that she had a peace she had never known.

This is so deep and rich I just had to share… your studies and research and life devoted to God’s Word has yielded such fruit.

I am simply the boy with a few loaves and God has done and will do the work.

Thank you. I am such a studier of God’s Word now and I attribute a lot of that to your Spirit led studies.

Thank you dear brother.
So blessed to know we will see the eternal harvest soon.

Guidance and Discernment

These commentaries and topical sermons give a view to scripture as if you were to pick it up from the table, turn it around, look at it from the bottom, the top, and the inside. It gives me a dimensional view. Truth is revealed by matching scripture with scripture, all in context, with an understanding of the traditions, and cultures of the authors and the immediate audience. It’s like taking a silent, black and white film and showing it with color, sound, and narration.

These commentaries are by no means more valuable than scripture. The value is in the way the teacher views the Bible by looking for truth, rather than forcing opinions just to try and satisfy an answer.

With the audio sermons, I am able to listen as often as possible when driving or getting ready in the morning, or even as I fall asleep at night if I didn’t get the chance to listen in the day. With this saturation of the Word and Pastor Guzik’s teaching I am freshly prepared to provide witness and give answers to many questions others have of The Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.

Guzik’s Commentary on Revelation=Outstanding!

We have been studying Revelation in our Bible Study group and it has been encouraging to read the insight of such a fine Christian who God has given understanding about His Word.

Excellent Study

Amazing study from a wonderful pastor and author. If you like verse by verse study, then this is your book. Plus, and I’ve said this before, I like when authors give credit to others’ commentaries and theological wisdom, instead of writing as though they were the final authority on the book. Well done, David Guzik.

I really enjoy this author’s study guides

I really enjoy this author’s study guides. They are in-depth and show good knowledge of the Scriptures. I have several of his study guides.

If This Isn‘t At The Top, Its Knockin’ On The Door

Great work D.G.! Considering that most consideration, commentary-wise, for Revelation ends up being nothing more than conjecture, this book gives serious students like myself tasty meat to chew on. It stands alongside W.W. Wiersbe, Ray Stedman’s “God’s Final Word”, Wm.Barclay, and Dr.David Reagan’s “Wrath and Glory” as my personal TOP 5 for Revelation. Guzik addresses translation differences between other scholars, not to propose greater weight for his own, but to clarify and head off common misunderstanding(s). His use of copious scriptural cross-referencing allows the reader to see that D.G. wants the Bible to clarify itself, so at the end of the day, you aren’t going to say “Here’s what David Guzik says about such and such…” but, more properly, “Here’s what I’ve learned that God’s Word supports…” Guzik also takes the same approach that I do (which, incidentally will probably NOT enable him to sleep more soundly)… irregardless of how one was brought up historically, culturally, religiously, traditionally or otherwise, there are simply too many cockamamie theorems floating around out in the world… Revelation is replete with GOOD NEWS!!! The author uses Barclay, Clarke, Erdman, Hocking, Leon Morris, Mounce, Poole, Chuck Smith, Spurgeon, Tenney, and Walvoord, among others in this 272 page work. By the way, at no time does Guzik surmise that he should name any current nation or man or timeline so we can mark our calendars or withdraw our savings for that trip around the world before the lights go out…. See for yourself.

California Pastor

Hello David, thanks so much for being faithful in teaching the Scriptures! I pastor a church in central California and during our 9:30am Sunday School class we go “through the Bible” and I have learned so much by listening to you teach! May the Lord continue to use you as you serve Him.