David Guzik’s weekly devotional, based on a verse or two from the Bible.

The Never-Ending Story

The Never-Ending Story

Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him. (Acts 28:30-31)

These last two verses of the book of Acts tell us that Paul did finally make it to Rome, and the book ends with Paul waiting to have his case heard by Caesar. Paul dwelt two years waiting in Rome, and this was after more than two years at Caesarea waiting for his case to be resolved (Acts 24:27). Long delays in the legal system are nothing new.

Paul eventually had his appearance before Caesar Nero. It’s entirely reasonable to believe that he boldly and powerfully proclaimed the gospel to him – as God had promised he would (Acts 9:15 and 23:11).

The Never-Ending Story

The Never-Ending Story

Until his trial before Caesar, Paul lived in his own rented house. It may be that in these years Paul continued his work as a tentmaker (leatherworker) to supply the rent for his house (as in Acts 18:1-2 and 20:33-35). Paul was always a hard-working man, but he still took the time for people and received all who came to him.

More than anything, Paul used these years, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ. Though Paul could not travel, he could teach and preach to all who came to him – and this he did. He also wrote letters; we have these two years of Roman custody to thank for the letters to the Ephesians, the Philippians, and the Colossians.

These two years were not wasted, and God didn’t waste Paul’s time in Rome. God never wastes our time, though we may waste it by not sensing God’s purpose in the moment.

Paul did this with all confidence, no one forbidding him. This has the idea of being completely unhindered. Paul’s chains and custody mattered nothing. The word of God was unhindered. As Paul came to Rome, the sea, the soldiers, and the snake all threatened his life. But God delivered him from them all. Through Paul, God shows that God’s man, fulfilling God’s will, cannot be stopped – though all kinds of difficulty may come in the way. Finally, even the disbelief of some of the Jews – or anyone else’s rejection of Jesus – will not hinder the gospel. The gospel will go forth and find those who will believe.

At the end of it all there is no end to the story because the history of the church continues this story on and on through the centuries. Trusting in Jesus, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the Father, the word of God will continue to spread without hindrance and continue to change lives for the glory of God. The book of Acts really is a never-ending story.

God isn’t finished writing your story. Abiding in Him, the best chapters are yet to come!

I Believe God

I Believe God

Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me. However, we must run aground on a certain island. (Acts 27:25-26)

Some two years before this, Paul was arrested in Jerusalem on the false charge that he had started a riot on the temple mount. In Roman custody, Paul eventually took his right as a Roman citizen and made an appeal to have his case heard by Caesar.

That meant Paul had to go to Rome, and the ship carrying him was caught in a terrible storm. For two weeks the ship was driven on the violent, storm-tossed waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The passengers and crew lost all hope and waited for the worst.

I Believe God

All of them – except for the Apostle Paul. During the literal storm, God sent an angel to Paul to bring good, encouraging news when all else seemed hopeless. Through the angel, God told Paul to put away fear and be confident that he would make it to Rome. God also promised Paul that everyone on the ship would survive.

Paul couldn’t keep this hope to himself. He had to pass it on. That’s when Paul spoke to all the passengers and crew and said, Therefore take heart. It was as if he said, “You have reason to take heart – God has given me assurance of your safety, and I believe God.”

Paul explained, I believe God that it will be just as it was told me. Paul’s confident words express the essence of what it means to put our faith in God and His word. God said it to Paul (through an angel) and Paul said, “I believe God.”

Paul didn’t say, “I believe in God.” Every demon in hell agrees with the existence of God. Paul declared his total confidence in God’s knowledge of his crisis and God’s promise in his situation.

Paul was not ashamed to say that he believed God, and he believed God when there was nothing else to believe. He couldn’t believe the sailors, the ship, the sails, the wind, the centurion, human ingenuity, or anything else – only God. This was not a fair-weather faith; he believed God amid the storm when circumstances were at their worst.

Paul’s unshakable confidence in God made him a leader among men, even though he was a prisoner.

Yet, Paul also told them the truth from God: we must run aground on a certain island. This was mixed news, and in these circumstances to run aground might be fairly called to shipwreck. Paul essentially said, “We’re all going to shipwreck on an unknown island, but everyone will be alright.”

God didn’t promise Paul, the crew, or the passengers an easy journey. It would be rough, but God would be with them and they would make it.

Today, can you hear God make the same kind of promise to you? Jesus promised to be with you until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Take that promise and say, “I believe God.”

Five Things for Every Christian

Five Things for Every Christian

I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me. (Acts 26:17-18)

The auditorium where Paul spoke these words was filled with important people and dignitaries (Acts 25:23). They invited Paul to share his story, so he told them about how Jesus got a hold of Paul’s life on the road to Damascus. Here, in Acts 26:17-18, Paul repeated words that Jesus spoke to him on that road outside Damascus.

Jesus told Paul about his destiny, his calling. God would send Paul as a messenger, a preacher, to both the Jews and the Gentiles, telling them about Jesus.

Five Things for Every Christian

When Jesus spoke those words on the road to Damascus, Paul was blinded by the great light from heaven. His eyes were not yet opened physically, but Jesus would send him to open the eyes of others (both Jews and Gentiles).

Jesus then told Paul of five results that would come from the opening of the eyes:

– Being turned from darkness to light.
– Being turned from the power of Satan to God.
– To receive forgiveness of sins.
– To receive an inheritance among God’s people.
– They would become those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus.

These five things are God gift and plan for every one of His children! Every follower of Jesus Christ should know what it is to turn from darkness to light. They should know by experience that they are no longer under the power of Satan and now belong to God. They have received both the forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among God’s people. Finally, they should grow in holiness, being set apart to God as those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus.

One of the men listening to Paul later said, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian” (Acts 26:28). But however close Agrippa was to becoming a believer, it wasn’t close enough. Almost being a Christian means that you almost have eternal life and will almost be delivered from the judgment of hell; but almost isn’t enough.

When Paul recounted the words of Jesus on the road to Damascus, saying what a Christian is (Acts 26:18), those who heard didn’t want it.

– They didn’t want to turn from darkness to light.
– They didn’t want to turn from the power of Satan to the power of God.
– They didn’t want to receive forgiveness of sins.
– They didn’t want an inheritance among God’s people.
– They didn’t want to become one of those set apart by faith in Jesus.

What do you want? Do you want what God offers you in Jesus Christ?

If you repent and believe upon Jesus, these five things are yours as a birthright in Jesus.

Standing on Our Rights

Standing on Our Rights

So Paul said, “I stand at Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be judged… I appeal to Caesar.” (Acts 25:10-11)

It was a complicated situation.

Paul was held in Roman custody in the coastal city of Caesarea, waiting for a trial over a crime he didn’t commit, based on false accusations from those who hated Paul and the gospel of Jesus he preached.

When Paul was first put in custody, the Roman governor was Felix, who was eventually replaced by Festus. Felix was happy to delay the proceedings, hoping for bribes. When Festus came, he wanted to have a trial and resolve the matter regarding Paul.

Standing on Our Rights

When it was time for the trial, Paul faced powerful and corrupt adversaries. They wanted to have the trial in Jerusalem instead of Caesarea, knowing there was a secret plot to assassinate Paul on the way to Jerusalem.

Acts 25 doesn’t make it clear if Paul knew about this plot against his life. Whether he knew or not, God guided Paul to appeal to his right as a Roman citizen to be tried by Caesar in Rome. When Paul said, “I stand at Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be judged…I appeal to Caesar” perhaps it was through supernatural knowledge, or perhaps through God-given common sense and deduction. One way or another, Paul demanded to stand trial before Caesar.

Rightly and wisely, Paul wanted to avoid martyrdom if he could. He wasn’t afraid to face the lions, but he didn’t want to put his head in a lion’s mouth if he could avoid it.

It was the right of every Roman citizen to have his case heard by Caesar himself, after initial trials and appeals failed to reach a satisfactory decision. This was in effect an appeal to the supreme court of the Roman Empire.

Paul’s appeal made sense. He was convinced that the evidence was on his side and that he could win in a fair trial. Paul appealed specifically to Caesar Nero, who was later a notorious enemy of Christians. But the first five years of his reign, under the influence of good men around him, Nero was regarded as a wise and just ruler. Paul had no reason at this time to believe that Nero would be anti-Christian.

I am fascinated by the fact that there were times when Paul refused to appeal to his rights. In Philippi, Paul could have stated his Roman citizenship much sooner and saved a lot of suffering (Acts 16:19-24). Paul had the right to be supported by the churches he served, but often gave up that right (1 Corinthians 9:3-7).

Yet there were times when Paul stood on his rights, such as here and in Acts 22:25-26.

We should be grateful for the rights given to us by God, and even more grateful if our government recognizes some of those rights. We should also pray for the Spirit-led discernment to know when to stand on our rights, and when to give them up.

A Sermon With Three Points

A Sermon With Three Points

Now as he [Paul] reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and answered, “Go away for now, when I have a convenient time I will call for you.” (Acts 24:25)

Antonius Felix began life as a slave. His brother Pallas was a friend of the emperor Claudius; through such influence, he rose in status – first as a child gaining freedom, and then through political skill and intrigue he became the first former slave to become a governor of a Roman province.

According to some, his slave mentality stayed with him. Tacitus, the Roman historian, described Felix as “a master of cruelty and lust who exercised the powers of a king with the spirit of a slave.” Felix gained his third wife (Drusilla) by seducing her away from her husband.

A Sermon With Three Points

In Acts 24, Paul stood trial before Governor Felix. Most everyone else would see this as a trial for their life but Paul saw it as an opportunity to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

When Paul preached to this high and mighty man, he had a three-point sermon. Acts 24:25 says that he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come.

These were the three points Paul used when he spoke to Felix and Drusilla. These are three points many modern preachers would avoid speaking about, especially in speaking to a prestigious man like Felix.

We don’t know exactly how Paul developed these three points, but we can speculate on something like this.

– He told Felix about the righteousness that is ours in Jesus Christ.
– Paul spoke to Felix about the need for Christian ethics (self-control), something that was evidently lacking in the life of both Felix and his wife Drusilla.
– Paul explained to Felix about eternal accountability before God (the judgment to come).

We admire Paul’s bold preaching, directed right to the issues of Felix’s life. Preachers today should show the same boldness, willing to proclaim God’s truth even when it might confront or offend those who hear.

Did you notice the response of Felix? We read Felix was afraid. Hearing this message made Felix afraid. Knowing something about his life, at least we can say that he probably understood it. The gospel should make those who are intent on rejecting Jesus afraid.

Acts 24:25 ends on a sad note. Paul faithfully preached and Felix was afraid – perhaps in a good sense! The tragedy was that Felix heard what Paul said, and the Roman governor was impressed by the message of the gospel. He knew that he had to get his life right with Jesus Christ. Yet he avoided doing anything, and he excused it by telling Paul that he must wait for a convenient time.

The excuse of Felix is repeated in the lives of thousands upon thousands of people. When you hear God’s message of righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, respond in continuing repentance and faith. There will never be a more convenient time.

Comfort In the Night

Comfort In the Night

But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.” (Acts 23:11)

This must have been a difficult night for Paul. His greatest desire was to see the salvation of his fellow Jews (Romans 9:1-4), and two great opportunities to present the gospel to large and influential groups among the Jews had come to nothing.

It was in the darkness of that night when the fears came upon Paul; when his trust in God seemed to falter; when he worried about what God was going to do and if he was going to make it. It was in the darkness of that night that Jesus came to Paul and stood by him.

Comfort In the Night

Paul was alone, but he wasn’t alone; if everyone else forsook him, Jesus was enough. Better to be in jail with the Lord than to be in heaven without him. Paul had been miraculously delivered from jail cells before; but this time, the Lord met him right in the jail cell.

We often demand that Jesus deliver us out of our circumstances when He wants to meet us right in them. We sometimes think we are surrendering to Jesus when we are only demanding an escape. God wants to meet us in whatever we face now.

Jesus was not only with Paul; He gave him words of comfort. The words be of good cheer tell us that the night brought with it an emotional and perhaps spiritual darkness upon Paul. Jesus was there to cheer His faithful servant after he had spent himself for Jesus’ sake.

Anyone can be of good cheer when everything is great; but the Christian can be of good cheer when everything is rotten, knowing that God is mighty and wonderful no matter what the crisis of the moment.

Paul could have been discouraged about the lack of results from the sermon in Jerusalem. But the results were not his responsibility. His responsibility was to bring the Word of God and to testify of Jesus; the results were God’s responsibility. You have testified for Me in Jerusalem means that Jesus complimented Paul on a job well done.

Yet, though Paul had done a good job, there was more to do. Rome was Paul’s next assignment. The greatest words a faithful child of God can hear are “There is more for you to do.” Those words grieve the lazy servant but bring joy to a faithful servant.

It can be said to every child of God: There is more for you to do. More people to bring to Christ, more ways for you to glorify Him, more people to pray with, more humble ways to serve His people, more hungry people to feed, more needy people to clothe, more weary saints for you to encourage.

Today, receive the encouragement Jesus has for you – then continue with His ongoing purpose for you.


An Amazing Jesus Experience

An Amazing Jesus Experience

Now it happened, when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, that I was in a trance and saw Him saying to me, “Make haste and get out of Jerusalem quickly, for they will not receive your testimony concerning Me.” (Acts 22:17-18)

Most of Acts 22 is Paul’s impassioned sermon to a mob that had just tried to beat him to death on the temple mount in Jerusalem. These two verses are just one part of that sermon, but I think they give a fascinating insight into the life of the Apostle Paul.

Paul mentioned an occasion when he returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple. Paul told them about something that happened about 20 years before, when he had been a follower of Jesus for 2 or 3 years. Even though he had been a Christian for a few years, yet he still came to Jerusalem to pray in the temple.

An Amazing Jesus Experience

By this, Paul wanted the violent crowd that just tried to kill him to know that even though he trusted in Jesus, he was not against all Jewish ceremonies and rituals.

But it wasn’t just that Paul was praying in the temple – while at the temple, Paul soon was in a trance. He both saw and heard Jesus. One thing I find remarkable about this impressive spiritual experience is that Paul never referred to this vision in his letters, and it seems that he only mentioned it here out of necessity.

Paul didn’t like to talk a lot about his spiritual experiences. In 2 Corinthians 12 Paul also reluctantly mentioned a heavenly vision he had but he was careful to not boast about it. Paul wasn’t interested in promoting himself as the man who had visions of Jesus or of heaven. He would, when necessary, mention such experience, but he never dwelt on them or boasted of them.

In this vision, Paul – even though he had only been a Christian for a few years – heard a surprising word from Jesus. The Lord told Paul, “Make haste and get out of Jerusalem quickly, for they will not receive your testimony concerning Me.” This word from Jesus probably was a surprise to Paul. With good reason, he probably thought of himself as the perfect one to bring the gospel to his fellow Jews. Nevertheless, Jesus gave him this warning, even telling him to make haste.

This word from Jesus was helpful to Paul, and I’m sure the apostle was grateful for it. Yet for Paul it seemed to be nothing to focus on. I imagine that if I had such an experience with God, I would probably never stop talking about it! But for Paul, his focus on Jesus and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2) – something every Christian can know and enjoy.

If God grants you impressive spiritual experiences, thank Him for them – but don’t make them the focus or goal of your Christian life. Remember that we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).


Ready for Travel

Ready for Travel

And after those days we packed and went up to Jerusalem. (Acts 21:15)

Paul and his companions were on their way to Jerusalem. They had traveled a long way, mostly across the Mediterranean Sea. Now they were on the last part of their journey, going from Caesarea on the coast inland toward Jerusalem.

Luke traveled with Paul, indicated by using we in this sentence. In writing about this part of the trip, Luke said something small, yet in my mind, significant. He noted, we packed. This is noticeable because this was the end of a long journey, yet Luke never before stated that they packed. They sailed from Miletus to Cos, from Cos to Rhodes, from Rhodes to Patara, from Patara to Tyre, Tyre to Ptolemais, and then finally from Ptolemais to Caesarea. They packed and unpacked at each step along the way, but Luke never mentioned it. Only here he did, as they prepared to leave Caesarea and go to Jerusalem.

Ready for Travel

This makes me think that this was the first time Luke visited Jerusalem, and like any follower of Jesus, he was excited. He knew this was the famous City of David, the location of the great temple, and the place where Jesus taught, did miracles, died, rose again, and ascended to heaven. Luke thought that every detail of this last part of their long journey was exciting, and like an excited tourist, he even mentioned, we packed.

There are a few other things to consider about we packed and went.

It shows us that God loves order and packing merely is ordering what we have in preparation for travel. God is a God of order and planning, and our desire to have things in order reflects His image in us. We should never make idols of order and organization, but it is essential to be mindful of them because God is full of order and organization.

It shows us that it is wise to prepare for where we are going. Paul, Luke, and the others traveling with them knew that packing would help them be ready for their travel to Jerusalem and their time there. Therefore, they took the foresight to get prepared by carefully packing. The same principle is true for us. We all have an appointment with the future. This is true for the near future, and it is wise for us to prepare for what lies ahead in this life.

It is even more valid for our eternal future. Each of us has an appointment with eternity, one that no one escapes. It would be best if you did your packing for that journey. Give your attention to eternal things right now.

That means:

– Attention to God’s word, which is eternal.
– Attention to people, who are eternal.
– Attention to giving, the sending of treasure ahead to heaven.

Before you go up to the New Jerusalem, make sure you’ve packed and prepared for the trip. Are you ready for travel?


Aristarchus and Secundus

Aristarchus and Secundus

And Sopater of Berea accompanied him to Asia—also Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians, and Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia. These men, going ahead, waited for us at Troas. (Acts 20:4-5)

It’s one of those little sections of the Bible that we sometimes dread, or even skip over – just another list of names, and most of them hard to pronounce. Yet we believe that every line of God’s word is a gift from Him, and there is treasure on each page if we look for it.

Aristarchus and Secundus

Perhaps one gold nugget is found in the names of the two men from Thessalonica who accompanied Paul. Their names were Aristarchus and Secundus. They were among this larger group traveling with Paul to Jerusalem. Paul had collected a generous offering from these mainly Gentile churches and was happy to bring it to the needy Christians in Jerusalem and Judea. This was a wonderful gesture of true unity – the mostly Gentile-background Christians from the west loving and caring for the mostly Jewish-background Christians from the east. This team waited for Paul and Luke to arrive and continue their journey towards Jerusalem.

The names of these traveling companions of Paul tell a little story; and what follows isn’t certain from the text, but simply a logical inference from their names. Aristarchus and Secundus both came from Thessalonica, but they were probably two very different kinds of men.

The name Aristarchus related to aristocracy, the ruling class. It’s likely that he came from a wealthy and powerful family – it is just the kind of name that would be given to a nobleman. We can suppose that he was a man of high status.

Secundus was a common name for a slave. It meant “Second.” Slaves were often not called by their true names, and the first-ranking slave in a household would often be called Primus. The second-ranking slave was often called Secundus.

So, there they were – Aristarchus and Secundus, one probably a nobleman and the other probably a slave. Yet side by side they served the Lord and the Apostle Paul. This true fellowship between noblemen and slaves was a scandal to many in the Roman world; they found it hard to believe that they sat together and served together in church. Yet they did, because they each thought who they were in Jesus Christ was more important than who they were thought to be in this world.

It has rightly been said that the ground is level at the foot of the cross of Jesus. There is no one from such a high station of life that they don’t need Jesus. There is no one from such a low station of life that Jesus can’t lift them up. Everyone – both high and low – must humble themselves and come through the same gate of faith to Jesus. It doesn’t matter if you are an Aristarchus or a Secundus – Jesus is your only way, and He is the same way for all.

Unusual Miracles

Unusual Miracles

Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them. (Acts 19:11-12)

Acts 19 tells the story of the amazing work God did in Ephesus, and in the whole region that surrounded that great city. It was a remarkable work of the Holy Spirit, deeply rooted in the word of God, and through the hands of God’s willing servants.

Unusual Miracles

Another part of the amazing work done in Ephesus is described in Acts 19:11: God worked unusual miracles. I suppose that every miracle is unusual, but Luke explained that even for miracles, these were unusual. Luke then gave an example: that Paul’s handkerchiefs (literally, “sweat-bands”) or aprons could be laid on a person even without Paul present, and that person was healed or delivered from demonic possession.

It was unusual for God to use handkerchiefs or aprons in such a way. These were probably part of what Paul wore when he did his leatherworking as he provided for himself and others in Ephesus. These handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick. We don’t really know how this worked, other than the same way that the shadow of Peter (Acts 5:15) or the hem of Jesus’ garment (Matthew 14:36) might heal – these items became a point of contact by which a person released faith in Jesus as their healer.

We can imagine this happening at first almost by accident – perhaps a person in need of healing took a handkerchief from Paul in a superstitious manner and was healed. But it became a pattern that other people imitated. As we will see, the superstitious practice of magic and sorcery was prevalent in Ephesus. So, it should not surprise us that some took a quite superstitious view of the miracles done through Paul.

God will stoop down to meet us even in our crude superstitions. This never means that God is pleased with our superstition, but that in His mercy He may overlook them to meet a need. Many years ago, I remember seeing what looked to be loosely rolled up newspapers on a pulpit in Bulgaria. I was told they were pieces of fabric (wrapped in newspapers) that the pastor prayed over, and they were taken home to sick people. This was a common practice in these Bulgarian churches.

To take the phrase literally, these were miracles not of the ordinary kind. This means that we should not expect that God would regularly use methods like this to bring healing. And, it’s not like Paul possessed some power to do these things. It does not say that Paul did these unusual miracles, but that God worked them by the hands of Paul.

Here is a glorious truth: God works both in the ordinary and the unusual. Test all things, but don’t despise the ordinary, and don’t reject the unusual. Jesus is big enough to work in both!