Jesus - Star and Scepter

Jesus – Star and Scepter

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I see Him, but not now;
I behold Him, but not near;
A Star shall come out of Jacob;
A Scepter shall rise out of Israel,
And batter the brow of Moab,
And destroy all the sons of tumult.
(Numbers 24:17)

Balaam was a strange and unlikely prophet of the living God, and his words recorded in Numbers 23 and 24 were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Speaking forth God’s word, Balaam said a Star shall come out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel. With these words through Balaam, God described someone glorious (like a Star) who would also have authority to rule (pictured by a Scepter).

Jesus - Star and Scepter

Previously Balaam prophesied of the beauty, strength, and blessedness of Israel; now God used him to speak of the culmination of all Israel’s beauty, strength, and blessedness – the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Israel’s ultimate blessedness comes from Jesus, their Messiah.

Both ancient Jewish writers and early Christians understood this as a reference to the Messiah. It’s entirely possible that the wise men who were drawn to Bethlehem, perhaps a year or more after the birth of Jesus, were drawn by a star. Balaam’s announcement of a coming Star and Scepter gave them a Scriptural reason to follow the unusual star in the sky.

Perhaps when the magi sighted the star, they looked up the prophecy of Balaam. They could have connected the Star with the Scepter – they followed the star in the sky and looked for the One born King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2). The star of Bethlehem gets a lot of attention at Christmas time, and rightfully so. Yet that star not only pointed to Jesus Christ, but it also spoke of Jesus Christ.

The New Testament puts its stamp of approval on Balaam’s prophecy. It at least two ways, First, by the prominence of the star in the story of Jesus’ birth and babyhood (Matthew 2:1-10). Second, the reference Jesus as the Bright and Morning Star likely has Balaam’s prophecy in mind (Revelation 2:26-28, 22:16).

It’s wonderful that Jesus is represented by a Star. Stars are in the heavens; so is Jesus. Stars bring light, so does Jesus. Stars gives us a sense of awe, and so does Jesus. Stars give guidance, and so does Jesus. Do you see Jesus as a star? Is He your star?

It’s wonderful that Jesus is also represented by a scepter. Kings hold scepters, and those scepters communicate the king’s authority, His right to reign and rule. As the king of kings, Jesus has the right to hold any and all scepters.

Jesus holds the right to this scepter in at least two ways. First, most monarchs become kings by birth; and Jesus was born a king. Second, the scepter of kingly authority belongs to Jesus as He earned it by a sinless life, sacrificial death, and resurrection.

Do you recognize the kingly scepter Jesus holds over your life?

This Christmas, think of Jesus: Star and Scepter.

Click here for David’s commentary on Numbers 24

Click Here for Daily Devotionals from David

Enduring Words with David Guzik Podcast

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Genesis 42 – Joseph Meets His Brothers In Egypt

Welcome to part 46 in Pastor David Guzik’s in-depth study of the book of Genesis, teaching here through chapter 42. Joseph has risen to prominence within the Egyptian government, and now meets the brothers who left him for dead in Genesis 37.
Throughout this series, Pastor David expounds and examines a full chapter of scripture with you – verse by verse, point by point. Applying these timeless lessons to today’s world, he concludes by highlighting some of the many ways that this chapter parallels the personage and mission of Christ Jesus.

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A Lot to Put in a Little Cradle

A Lot to Put in a Little Cradle

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And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)

We love the traditional stories about the birth of Jesus, but some of those traditional stories are not biblically accurate. Some of these inaccurate traditions have to do with the wise men from the East.

A Lot to Put in a Little Cradle

The Bible never says they numbered three, but we sing the carol “We Three Kings of Orient Are,” and many people assume there were three. The Bible never says they were kings, but that they were an order of Persian wise men – “magi.” Perhaps most importantly, the Bible does not tell us they came on the night Jesus was born, but later – probably when Jesus was in His first year. Seeing the star, the wise men began to plan their journey on the night Jesus was born, and it took them several months to arrive.

We do know this from the Biblical record: they brought at least three appropriate gifts for the Child, gifts also fitting for the Man He would grow up to be.

Gold was a fitting gift for a king. In ancient Persia, whenever one appeared before the king, they had to have a gift of gold. These Persian wise men honored a child as a king. Strange, isn’t it? Children aren’t born kings; they are born princes and later become kings. But this Child was different – He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and will reign from the throne of David, forever and ever.

Frankincense was a fitting gift for a priest. Frankincense is a glittering, fragrant resin that comes from trees. It was used as incense by the priests of Israel and as incense, it is a picture of prayer and intercession in the Bible. This was an appropriate gift for Jesus, our High Priest, and intercessor before God! In Scripture, a priest represents who God is to the people and represents the people before God. Jesus did both perfectly. The Bible says He ever lives to pray for His people.

Myrrh was a fitting gift for someone who would die. Myrrh is a fragrant spice used primarily in embalming. This was an appropriate gift for Jesus, who came to die. Even now, the pale shadow of the cross cast its dark image over the cradle of Jesus; here was a Man born to live, to show us God, to heal, and to teach. But more than anything, He was born to die. On the cross, He bore the judgment we deserved and stood in place for all who would receive Him.

That is a lot for God to put in a cradle – but God did it! We are invited to receive Jesus Christ as our King, our High Priest, and the One who paid the price for the sin we deserve to pay.

Click here for David’s commentary on Matthew 2

Click Here for Daily Devotionals from David